♥︎ Storys ♥︎

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I'm having a bit of writer block so there are some little story's for you non of these have been requested;-;

"Y/n! Hey hermoso" "hi Camilo" "what ya going?" He asks resting his head on your shoulder "tidying" he then puts his arms around your waist "why don't you take a break for a while?" He says putting his head at the crack of your neck his breath tickling you (don't worry Ik this sound a bit- weird but there is no lemon)
"No, I can't sorry. I'm busy right now" he sighs "not for just ten minutes?" You tune around facing him cupping his face "no I can't sorry like I just said I'm busy and I can't have any distractions right now" he just pouts and rests his head in your hands making a cute baby face "come on now don't do that" "can I at least get a hug?" You sigh with a smile "fine" he wraps his arms around you as you hug him back. He then picks you up (cause you are smaller than him soz if you not but- just go with it) and out you down on the bed and snuggles with you "now we rest" you laugh to yourself and put your fingers threw his hair cuddling up to him

•~dinner date~•
The door gets kicked behind you making you jump "Y/N!!" "AH- what???!" "Oh you are here... HI!" ".... What do you want" "the usual please," Camilo says in a singing tune as he rests his head in his hands as he watches you
You make him his drink giving it to him as he gives you the money "thank you mi Amor" he says walking to a table you go back to work like every other day. You finally get on your break and sigh as you head to the door. You see Camilo eyeing you a bit so your roll your eyes with a smile as you made a detour over to his table "one time offer it's my break wanna hang?" his face instantly brightens "yes!" He jumps up from his seat and you make your way out "I normally just get something to eat and read.. so what do you wanna do?" You ask as you walk around town as he shrugs "I don't really mind we can do what you want" "alright let's go get something to eat" he nods walking over to his favourite shop (he's a foodie he knows where the best foods at UwU) "this is the best! I think you'll love it-! That is if you haven't come here before..!" You shake your head "no I haven't what do you think I should get?" "erm.. I'm not too sure you should probably get one of those" "... pardon...?" "I said one of-" "No, I mean.. never mind alright I'll try it" he nods going over to the counter ordering the food as you find a place to sit. You sit down resting your feet on the other chair once Camilo goes the food and walks over to you he puts it down and gives you the "move" type of look as you smirk moving your feet "what? I was saving your seat. You know your not the only boy I hang out with~ I'm quite popular" "mhm I know that" he says biting into his- (idk what he would get but for some reason, I'm imaging a sausage roll.. but let's go with f/f) (fav food) you take a bit of your meal but then you realise Camilo got an f/f "camilooo?" He hums in response "you know that you love me righttt~" he raises an eye brow as he looks at you "what do you want?" "Can I have a bit?" "Sure" he says passing your it as you smile taking it "thank youuu!" You say happily taking a bit as he definitely sneakily takes some of yours. You two then hear a bit of a gasp and some one messes up camilo hair "hey camilo! Nice to see you here" she then looks over at you "and on a date no less!" She says smiling as you look over and see Dolores (obviously) "it's not a date! We're just getting a meal on her break..!" He says wafting her hand away from his sorting his hair back "sure call it whatever you want it's still a date. That's at least what I'm gonna call it when I mention it at dinner with a family~" she says walking off with Mariano as he gasp "don't you dare!!" And you hear a faint "oh you know I dare" as he sits back down on a huff crossing your arms as you couldn't help but laugh

-•~the kiss~•-

"Dolores!!" You shout as you Koch her door open "what?! You do know I hear do when you were calling me from down the street!?" "Yeah but obviously it didn't get your ass out of your room over to me did it???" She nods with you agreeing cause it was true "what do you want?" "Your my best friend.. and even if I did tell someone else you would have heard so I just wanted to tell you something- but before I do" you quickly pull her head "hey- ow! Why did you do that??" "Sorry.. needed to make sure your weren't camilo.. but what it is- is I have a bit of a think for camilo- but it's not like.. a little thing I think of him and then.. it's like everthing just stops- and I just don't know what to do..." she nods "yeah kinda figured.. but like just go up to him and tell him or kiss his or something.. trust me best thing to do is tell him. And thanks for telling me I have to go now anyway see you later" she says walking out as you wave bye like a second after you walk out her room and as you do you bump into Camilo "ah- s-sorry!!" You say a bit flustered as he sakes his head "no it's okay. You okay?" You nod "you?" "Yeah I'm fine  we'll I'll see you" he says walking off as you kinda just stand there wanting to go after him but not sure if you should "hey c-Camilo..?" You call out as he stops and looks back at you "yeah?" He takes a step or two closer to you and you walk back "sorry to..erm-" you cut yourself off as you play with your fingers looking at the ground feeling really awkward you take a deep breath and sigh I quickly peck his lips "ireallylikeyourandwouldlovetogooutwithyousocomefindmewhenyouwanttoanswermeokaybye" you say talking off a blushing mess leaving him in confusion and blushing himself

:-•~the question~•-:
(Btw u and Camilo are married in this short)
"Hey soñador~" Camilo says wrapping his arms around you "hi miel" you answer back giving him a kiss "Qué estás haciendo, bebé?" "English please hun.." he sighs resting his head on your shoulder "did something happen..?" You ask moving a little to give him some more attention "no just stuff" he says re adjusting his hug you sigh rolling your eyes a bit "Camilo" you say moving his arms off of you "hey i want hugs!" He pouts as you cup his face as he does a little cat face "Camilo what's wrong?? Your getting really touchy" he doesn't answer he just rests his head in your hands melting into the touch "Camilo" you say raising your voice a bit "I- I'm trying to see how I can ask you a question- with out it being.. weird" "what it is?" He once again doesn't answer "Camilo this is really starting to annoy me..." "ugh Amor quieres un bebe?" He says looking away a bit "babe... English?" "Doyouwanttohaveababy...causeimeanwerealreadymareiedandijustthinkitwouldbenicetohavealittleusintheworld" you blink out of confusion "if I want a what..?" He once again sighs and out its head on your shoulder "never mind..." he mumbles "no please tell me.. just loud and low enough so I can hear it please" " do you want a baby.." he mumbles as he does move his head from your shoulder as you see a bit of blush appear on his cheeks you kiss his forehead with a smile "alright"

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