Chapter 2

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 The sky is cloudy as usual as Jaiden wakes up at her hideout, tired and sleepy she gets off, only to stub her toe on the bed . 

"Oh Shit! That hurts!" she exclaimed, waking up her friends. Rita ,the youngest gasped "oh my gods you said a bad word! Quick! before we get the jinxies!"

She then proceeded to do a crazy ritual for a whole hour, waking Shia and Hailey in the process.

"What the - ok I don't want you to do this again, so I'm not saying it, what the fudge was that Rita?" 

Rita mumbled something about bronies and mayonnaise, while Shia and Hailey walked in with excited expressions on their faces.

"Who wants pancakes! " they exclaimed in unison, Rita running fast to get to the pancakes, as Shia took out a letter from her pocket, waving it excitedly in front of her.

"guess who sent this?FREAKING KING BEN THAT'S WHO!"

Jaiden sat up excitedly "wait actually? we sent in our applications yesterday, how did we get results this quick"

Shia rolled her eyes "i guess someone forgot they have a brother who is really close to the queen huh"

"you can't blame me, he hasn't contacted me in years, I- I don't even know if he remembers who I am at this point" she sighed, as she walked over to the kitchen, only to find 3 plates, each with a single pancake on it.

"RITA" she screamed, the younger girl running in with a plate, stacked up with pancakes, a whipped cream covered smile on her face.

"no one ever told me you guys wanted more than one pancake, you guys should be more clear the next time"

"Anyways we should be celebrating!  Everyone grab a pancake" Hailey exclaimed, passing her friends a plate.

Jaiden sighed, even if her brother probably forgot about her, atleast she had her friends, and pancakes and, RITA GET AWAY FROM MY FOOD!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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