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It was the next day, sun was high up and the forest around us lively as always. Dolphus and Snuffles had gone out to hunt together, leaving me behind with William who had fallen into a sinkhole of depression.

In fact, he hadn't gotten out of the hut all day and it was slightly starting to get on my nerves.

"Come on, Will. Get up, you can't just go sitting around all day doing nothing," I said as I walked into the hut and lightly kicked him.

"And why not?"

"Because we are at war William. This could be the last day of our lives and we can't be all depressed during it! We have to live to the fullest until we can. You know, like the song said? 'Live a life you will remember'!" I told him, part of me knowing I was mostly trying to also assure myself that it was gonna be alright.

William sat up on his bed. "Yeah I think you're right. Tommy wouldn't want me to cry and Laura... Well she isn't worth crying about."

"Yeah! See, you're already happier!" I cheered, wishing I could say the same about myself. The whole war and betrayals thing had really taken a toll on me and my sanity.

Will chuckled and stood up.

I smiled at him softly. "You're strong, you know? For going through all that."

He smiled back at me as we walked to sit down at the edge of the ravine, looking at the woods in the distance behind the campus which was now swarming with enemies like a beehive.

"You know. This is not a war that can be won by our side," I admitted to William.

He sighed. "There are only that many letters in the alphabet. Very little of the survivors of the 2021 explosions were older than generation z. There are not meant to be more. We're simply some of the last humans alive."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Why do you think they won't live? I mean we'll lose the war and die but they won't."

"They will also die. I heard from Salyna the other day. The radiation from the explosions completely destroyed all the cells that we need to be able to have kids. They will live but they will be the last ones," he explained.

I chuckled. "I'd really rather die right now than live the rest of my life under tyranny seeing all my friends die one by one."

"So you're gonna welcome death like an old friend?" he asked, making a reference to a movie we used to watch together.

I smiled. "Yup."


"I'm gonna go find something to eat," Will stretched and stood up. It was nearing around five in the evening and we were both very hungry.

"Okay," I nodded. "I'm gonna take a walk around here, see if there's any threats."

It was his turn to nod. I started turning away but he pulled me into a hug. "Please be careful. I can't lose you too."

"I'll be extra careful then," I said while hugging him back. I felt a laugh vibrate through him and he let go.

"I'm off then," he said and disappeared into the forest, probably looking for berries or something.

I walked along the edge of the ravine, my brown hair flying into my face. Suddenly, with my ears out, I could hear a figure approaching me just behind some trees. I took the metal sword from my belt and looked in the direction of the steps.

"Laura," I spat, as my emerald eyes clashed with her grayish blue ones that were almost identical to William's. Her blonde hair swished to the side, making her look like a perfect person for modelling if it wasn't for the super evil glint in her eyes.

"Olivia. I'm only here to have a talk, you can put the sword down," she said calmly with a menacing smile.. I only gripped my sword thighter.

"Put the sword down if you don't want the pups to die," she said rather bluntly, gesturing to the two shivering animals behind her.

I knew something wasn't right when they didn't come back from the hunt.

"You wouldn't," I said.

"Oh, darling, I would," she said, a shadow casting over her crazed eyes as she dragged the poor creatures nearer to the edge.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Because I want the explosives. And also William on my side, if possible," she said.

"Then why not talk to him?" I asked.

She chuckled. "Oh that's because you are the only one who he listens to."

"But why the animals?" I interrogated further.

"That's easy, sweetheart. Would've thought you'd figure it out by now. But fine. I'll tell you. I have your dear little pups because if I can control the things people are attached to, then I can easily control their actions," she explained, crazed eyes widening even more than they had already.

"You really think that will work on me?" I asked, raising my sword, showing her I was ready to fight.

"Oh I know it will. You have lost so much already. You couldn't lose your dear little Dolphus. As for Snuffles, William would never forgive you if you let him die, would he? He wouldn't forgive you for being the reason that Snuffles is dead, would he now?"

My heart clenched. I knew she was right. I had to do what she wanted. No, Olivia! If you give in then you will be the reason that the others - Salyna, Andrew, Lucius, everyone - would get blown up. But if you don't, William would never forgive you for letting Snuffles and Dolphus die.

"What do you want?" I snapped, even before I had finished the internal battle or thought this through.

"Oh, honey, I told you before. I just want half of the explosives," she said.

"Why half?" I asked.

"Because that is just enough to blow up you and all your pathetic friends in the tiny camp of theirs," she smiled sweetly.

"You do know that if you leave half of them here, then you'll also blow those up along with us?" I questioned.

"I know that, sweetie, I know. It makes the whole thing even better! You know you will eventually suffer the most."

"I will not give you the explosives," I snarled.

"Oh but you will," she said and pushed Snuffles and Dolphus closer to the edge.

I squeezed my eyes shut. This is a horrible decision. "Fine."

"Great! Now be back in the span of ten minutes or I will think you reconsidered and then I won't hesitate to kill your little friends," she said with another sickeningly sweet smile.

This is madness, I thought when I went to collect the explosives.


No more than seven minutes later had I handed the explosives over.

"Release them," I snarled, keeping a close eye on Snuffles and Dolphus at any second.

"Don't worry, little Livy, I am a woman of my word," she said and released the pups. Both of them ran and hid behind me. "Also thank you for the chance to kill you all. Enjoy tomorrow because that will be your last sunset."

As soon as she vanished into the bushes I started crying.

We're gonna die. We're all gonna die and it's my fault!

"Hey, hey, hey, Olivia, what's wrong!?" Will ran to me and hugged me.

"I'm sorry Will. I'm so so so sorry," I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Hey, whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow, alright," he said, eyeing the setting sun. "For now let's go eat and then sleep."

I nodded. I should probably tell him now.... But I don't want to burden him. Even if I did, there's nothing he can change now.

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