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WARNING: Many characters, taken from the Great epic, will be shown in a totally different light in this story. Kindly do not consider any one as a deity or anything such. The more realistic and raw sides of walking-talking humans, who are no Divine beings, and do have their own share of negativities within themselves, have been prioritized here.

There'll be a question at the end of each chapter, and the one providing the first right answer will be given a shout-out in the chapter where the true answer to the question lies.


My offline school has begun, and I'm determined to publish this chapter today, so I'm typing faster than I ever do. So, I'm not going to write much here. Enjoy reading, and, sorry for the bits of coldness I had to add here. Sorry, if the characters went darker and colder than you had imagined them to go. But, I had to show this...
And thanks for your patience ❣️

Happy reading <3

And, I am not giving any shout outs for previous chapters questions here due to immense time shortage. Sorry again!


During our departure from the Ashrama, for Mathura, I had never for once thought that returning might turn out to be melancholic, agonizing even. Yes, I was agonized to return, not because I was apprehensive of the various reactions and responses I would be receiving from various people in the upcoming days of doom, as I would like to regard those as, but because I was going to have to let go of her, even if for a few weeks maybe. Few weeks! , my distraught subconscious wailed in misery. I knew that I was entering a certain phase of my life where I would realize with sheer bitterness that I had never felt any lonelier, again - not because so many of the people that I had held near and dear to my heart for all these years were about to leave my life, very probably for forever; but because I would have to stay away from her. I wouldn't mind losing everyone and everything that I had ever held near and dear, till I was certain of the fact that I wasn't losing her. That was all the assurance I need and that was the exact assurance that I would make sure to extract from her in the form of an unbreakable promise before we part for awhile.

Our horses carefreely trotted across the threshold of the ashrama, and to my great relief, none of my brothers stood right at the entrance to welcome us. Appropriately speaking, I should have felt bad or offended, but I did not, not to my own surprise, for the very obvious reason. My sweet enchantress was an enchantress indeed, and the last thing I wanted was one or more (or all) of my brothers getting trapped in the viciously lovely spell that she so innocently cast. Gurudeva stood there and the searching gaze of his warm grey eyes landed on my face, not before sweeping quickly over the faces of all the others of the convoy. Then his brows frowned a bit. Oh well, wasn't this what I was waiting for?, I internally made a cruel, sarcastic joke. He had very obviously spotted the new tint of latent darkness in my eyes. Gurudeva had once told me, "Your silver eyes are the shiny silver mirrors of your soul.", a statement that made my heart swell with respect and love for the doting father-figure that I considered a divine blessing as a toddler. But now I resented that very fact. I hated to know that he could easily read the darkness in the depths of my eyes, and what hurt the most was the knowledge that he did deserve more. No, maybe not according to my own judgements. My conscience was now reformed - cruel, cold, hard, stubborn and unrelenting. It wasn't easy to knock, shake or bend it in any ways now. I knew for certain that only my love could achieve this impossible feat. So, I didn't feel the slightest ounce of guilt when my judgement said that it was the man's destiny that his favourite disciple had a sheeerly dark villain burried within himself, which was now slowly raising its head into the light, and instead of that darkness within himself getting flooded with light, as a result of this, the light around him was getting darkened.

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