Part 1

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This story is written in third person. If you notice any mistakes please notify me kindly in the comments so I can fix it! Thank you and enjoy! 


She had lost count of the weeks she had spent down here in a dark, cold, and abandoned cellar. She was locked in a small cell, just wide enough for her to stretch out completely in either direction, and no one had visited her in 3 days. It was always the same man with dark curly hair and hatred in his eyes. He'd bring her a small plate with stale food and a small cup of water that tasted like iron. He would pass it through a small opening at the bottom of the cage, demand she eat and drink before walking away with a snarl. 

There was one small window along the ceiling line across the room showing the nights full moon, allowing some illumination to shine around the basement. She has been the only prisoner down here since she arrived to be beaten, abused and used by the leader of a small trio of men that called themselves the Vorici Pride, but she knew them to be rogues, the worst of the worst of their kind. 

Today marked four days since she had last seen the dark haired man, four days she since had anything to eat or drink. It was on these days that she wished death would just come for her sooner, instead of being forced to live on the brink, not dead but not alive either. She suddenly heard the door to the basement open and loud thundering steps bounded down them and in her direction. The closer the man got the more she could make out the red coloring of his hair and the bright green irises that glared down at her. He stopped in front of the cage door and kicked it loudly making her flinch. 

"Just making sure you're awake, love." he chuckled at her fear before crouching to undo the locks keeping her in. "Would you like to come up for some air?" 

Without allowing her to reply or move from her sitting position he grabbed her ankle and pulled her out of the small opening making her scream in pain as her right hip slammed into the metal. He continued to drag her into the middle of the room before he exchanged her ankle for her wrist. He pulled her up to her feet and immediately moved toward the stairs. With numb, weak legs she tried to get her feet to function as he hauled her up the stairs, but it was all for not as her shins banged into the cement stairs. 

As she was pulled up into the main floor of the house she had to squint her eyes, as all the lights in the small kitchen were on full power. She was finally able to get her feet to work with her and she gave a small attempt to have him loosen the hold he had against her. He only tightened his already bruising grip and lead her down a narrow hallway and into a door all the way down and on the left. He let her go at this point and slammed the door shut behind him, but at this point she cared nothing for him and all for the small crib laid below a large bay window. 

With a gasp she launched herself forward, arms stretched out to grab the black haired, blue-eyed infant giggling up at her with a gummy smile. She brought the baby close to her chest, her nose buried into his wavy, soft hair on the top of his head. She forgot all about the man in the room with her until he placed a hand on the lower part of her back. 

"He's been crying nonstop all day," he voice was deep and gravely, piercing the momentary calmness she had in her heart with despair. "Its a good thing you haven't died yet, love, or he'd have no one to get him out of here one day." 

His laugh was soft and quiet but got louder once she asked, "Cant you just let us go?" 

"Let you go, Princess?! With my son and heir?" his laughter stopped all together as his hand slid around to grip her side and pull her into his chest, "No. You'll be trapped here forever, and so will he. He'll never know anything else beside my Pride, and by the time he can start to remember you'll be gone too... Now put him down, its time to go back to sleep." 

She silently stepped out of his hold, clinging to her son with her entire strength, trying to tell him how much she loved him. She let out a silent sigh before placing him gently in the crib. His little hands reached out for her and she offered her pointer finger for him to grasp. Staring into his little crystal blue eyes that mirrored her own, she prayed to her goddess to help her escape, to save her and to help her save her son from their captor. 

With an annoyed growl, her wrist was grabbed and she was painfully yanked away from her only happiness and led back down to her hell. 

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