Chapter 16

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Namjoon POV:

"Damn it Jin! This isn't good." I turned to my brother, the frustration clear on my face.

The look of shock on Jin's face was clear. "What the hell are you talking about? Of course this is good. She's gone and good riddance."

Shaking my head, I wanted to throttle my brother. "She ran out of here with no money, no phone, and no way to contact anyone. She could be anywhere and anything could happen to her."

The gasp from Jimin was enough to draw my attention from Jin. The worry on his face was clear and I knew this whole situation was bothering him, more than I had ever expected it to. "Well she's not my concern." Jin crossed his arms over his chest, only fueling my anger even more.

"Look you may not like her, but we do. She was so kind to us, so sweet and did so much for us." I tried to talk some sense into my brother, but from the tight set of his lips, I knew he wasn't hearing me, not really at least.

"Sweet? Kind? She lied! What part of that are you not understanding? What part do you not get? She lied to us, to you. She's an heiress and she's engaged!" Jin turned to Jimin, his voice filled with hatred. "So your little crush on her can go right out the window." Jimin's face paled and I could see the instant regret in Jin's face. "Damn it Jiminie. I'm... I'm sorry." Jin went to reach for our clumsy, sensitive brother, but Jimin jerked his hand out of his reach and darted up the stairs, his bedroom door slamming shut just moments later.

I turned to Jin, my arms crossed. "Really? Was that really necessary?" Although I could see that Jin was sorry for what he said, it was going to take more than an apology to make this one right.

"I... I didn't mean it. I was just angry. I'm angry about the whole situation. She lied to you and you're still trying to defend her." Jin's voice was still tight with anger and I knew he wasn't going to let it go so easily.

"That's the thing. We don't know why she lied. We don't know why she told us a fake name. We just don't know and you didn't even give her a chance to explain, to tell us what was going on. You just reacted like you always do." Running a hand through my hair, I moved to the front door, grabbing my keys. "Now I'm going to look for her. You may not like her and she may have lied, but she at least deserves a chance to explain herself, whether you like it or not." With those words, I left the house, shutting the door quietly behind me.

Yoongi POV:

As Namjoon left the house, I looked around at the chaos left behind. Jungkook was sitting on the edge of the sofa, fists clenched tightly between his knees. Hoseok was sitting next to him, rubbing his back, trying to soothe our youngest brother in the only way he knew how. Taehyung had followed Jimin up the stairs and I knew those two would be each other's best comfort. Jin was sitting on the chair, his head in his hands and I could see the guilty slump of his shoulders as he probably thought of the words he said to Jimin over her.

My heart fluttered as I thought about her. Just like my brothers, I had fallen under her spell, fallen for a girl I barely knew, one I knew bits and pieces about but now questioned if whether or not any of it was true. How much of what she told us was real? Was she really a photojournalist? Was she really close to her dad while her relationship with her mother was strained? Did she really like us as much as she acted? How much of her that I knew was fake? The idea of it made my head ache and my stomach clench in pain.

Not sure what to say, I headed towards the stairs and towards my room on the third floor. When I opened the door, the fresh scent filled my nose like it had the last two days. After I agreed to let her clean my room, she had come in the last two days making sure it was neat. My bed was made, my clothes were folded and put away, and all my belongings were placed neatly on the shelves. As I looked around my room, part of me felt guilty for questioning who she really was. She was the girl who cleaned my room, the one who made dinner for us every night, the one who blushed when I touched her hand at dinner today, the one who laughed at Hoseok's attempts at jokes. No matter what, that was the real person.

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