Chapter 15

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The strange behavior of Stella was still stuck in my mind and nothing I did could push it out.  Why had she been so friendly when I arrived then seemed to feel detached after I mentioned Angela?  Why did she hug me so tightly?  It was almost like... like I was family.  Part of me wanted to call Stella, ask her what was going on, but the other part of me figured it was best to leave it alone, at least for now.  If she wasn't ready to talk then I would be taking the chance of ruining a new friendship and I definitely didn't have many of those. 

"Carlyn?"  The sound of the fake name had me turning to see Taehyung standing behind me.  I had been so lost in thought that I didn't even register the guys arriving home. "Are you alright?"

I shut off the kitchen sink and dried my hands then turned to give him my complete attention.  "Um... yeah.  I was... I was just thinking about something and I guess I got distracted."

Taehyung studied me for a moment.  "Is... is there anything I can help with?  I'm a pretty good listener."

The gentleness in his voice was soothing and it made me want to confess to him, to tell him everything about me, about the award nomination and how quickly it was taken away, about the engagement and how my now ex-fiancé was an awful human being.  However, I just shook my head and gave him a smile.  "I'm... I'm alright, but thank you."

I expected Taehyung to leave the kitchen, but he moved closer and leaned on the counter.  "You know?  You don't have to listen to Jin.  I know he... he seems like he wants you to leave as soon as possible, but... but you don't have to."  Taehyung hesitated and his cheeks turned pink.  "You could... could stay and get to know us better, get to know me better."

My heart fluttered in my chest at his words, at the soft look on his face, the sincerity in his eyes.  Drying my hands, I hesitantly reached up and cupped his cheek, not missing the way he leaned into my touch, as though the simple contact was not enough.  "I... I wish I could stay.  I really do, but..." My words trailed off and I moved my hand away from his face.  "I have... I have some things that I need to take care of, need to figure out."

"What if you could come back?  Would you?" 

Not knowing what to say, I just gave him another small smile.  "If I could figure out a way to, I would... would want to."

"Carlyn?  I li..." Taehyung's words were cut off by a loud voice at the door. 

"Tae?  Come get your coveralls!  You left them in the back of the truck."  Namjoon came into the kitchen, waving a hand at the younger man.  "I'm not your maid."  Taehyung went to protest, but at the look on Namjoon's face, he sighed and left the kitchen.  Noticing me, Namjoon grinned.  "Hey Carlyn.  How was your day?"

Moving towards the stove, I returned the smile.  "It was... it was good.  I had coffee with Stella.  She told me how her and Monty met."  Opening the oven door, I pulled out the lasagna I had placed in there earlier, along with the tray of freshly baked garlic bread.

"Damn that smells good."  Namjoon moved to my side, distracted by the scent of the food.  Shaking his head, as if to clear it, he then nodded.  "Yeah.  They have a sweet story.  It... it kind of makes me wistful that I could... could meet someone, fall in love, have that same love story that they do."  Namjoon's cheeks flushed and I knew he was embarrassed about admitting that.

I pulled off the oven mitts then placed a hand on Namjoon's arm.  "Don't be... don't be embarrassed.  There's nothing wrong with wanting your own love story."

Namjoon sighed and nodded.  "Yeah I guess.  Have... have you ever been in love?"

"No.  I've never been that lucky.  There was a boy I liked in college, but it... it was never anything serious.  One of those things that are just not meant to be."  It had been a while since I thought of Kyle, the sweet guy I had dated my first two years of college.  He had been as sweet as could be, almost reminding me of Jimin, but it just didn't work out.  We were better off as friends, but unfortunately I lost touch with him over the years.  The conversation about love was making me uncomfortable since I knew it was something I would probably never get to experience, never be able to have.  My mother would make sure of it.  "But anyways, go get washed up.  Dinner's almost ready."

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