Millie x GN! Reader

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A / n: This is a gender neutral reader x Millie, my friends pj helped out with this so I also give her much of the credit

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(Y / n) 's pov:

I was sprinting through the school's hallways trying to make my way to class, I had overslept and knew that I was about to get scolded by my teacher. I didn't have much time to finish breakfast so I had poured my (f /d) (favorite drink) into an empty plastic bottle and ran off, I was taking small sips while running but I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings . I bumped into a girl who was carrying a few papers in her hands, but me suddenly bumping onto her back startled her and she dropped them all

Millie's pov:

I felt a sudden push from behind me that had me startles, I dropped my poems onto the ground from the sudden nudge. I thought it was one of those mean girls who would call me Dracula's daughter so I turned around to yell at them but I wasn't one of them. It was (y/n). I got to know them in the lunch room when they approached me to read the poems I had written. I saw them take out a napkin from their backpack, then they handed it to me, I had no idea why they we're doing it but I took it. "Hey- I'm sorry for spilling my drink on you, it was accident!" I then felt a wet and damp feeling on my back, I hadn't noticed it before since I was to lost in thought. They then looked at the ground and they noticed my scattered papers. They gently picked one up.

(y / n) 's pov:

I had picked up a poem that Millie had dropped on the ground and read it, just what I expected her to be writing about. "It's about...this death romance thing I came up with .." Milly responded awkwardly. "I thought so" you smiled while replying to her then looked back at the crinkled piece of paper she had written it on, it may have not really been my style but I found it quite interesting. "Can I keep this one, I really like it, I'll pay you back later I promised" she staggered in the position she was "No no no- you don't HAVE to pay me, you can keep it if you want , I don't mind ... "she said while crouching down to collect the papers she had dropped. I did the same and helped her get some and handed them to her. 

To break the awkward silence I decided to speak up "Can you like, give me your number-" "Uhm..what for?" I felt kind of embarrassed asking the question since all we really knew about each other is that we liked to write poems. "Well, maybe we can meet up some time and read each others poems I guess" I blurted out in a semi-awkward tone, she nodded and grabbed the poem she had given me, she took out a pen and wrote down her phone number . We both parted when I realized that this dilemma had got me even more distracted, I dashed to class and was scolded for coming in late.

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A / n: I wouldn't have come up with this without the help of my friend Pj, so kudo's to here. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this lol.

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