Greg x GN!Reader

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A/n: let's just ignore the fact I haven't updated this in so long. Ok.

First person pov:

I've been terribly concerned for Greg, he seems paranoid even in the most calmest of moments. Once we were riding our bikes around the neighborhood but I could tell that something was obviously bothering the brown haired boy, he was looking at bushes we passed by intently.

I grabbed my phone and decided to confront him about the whole situation since it really did worry me seeing him this way, I opened my messaging app and started typing. Thinking of how to put it into a text so it didn't sound like I was annoyed or irritated with his behavior, even though I really was.

You: Hey Greg, how's it going

It never took him a while to respond, so I wasn't surprised with his instant reply.

Greg: doing good I guess, do you need anything?

I started writing out my response.

You: no- there's just something that has really been bothering me

Greg: oh, did i do something? If so I'm sorry I wasn't aware

You: nono, it's nothing like that, well kinda

Greg: what did I do this time-

You: you've been, not yourself if you know what I mean

Greg: ?

What if nothing is really wrong, and I'm just pushing Greg to admit something that he didn't even know he did wrong.

You: You've seemed pretty paranoid recently, I'm just being straight forward with you rn.

Greg: oh, really? It's nothing, don't worry bout it

You: No Greg, ever since you went out to that old Fazbear location with your friends you've started acting odd

Greg: well..

You: I just want you to be honest with me, if it's something very personal then you don't have to say

Even though I said that he didn't have to tell me, I really did want him to. He was starting to worry me even more. But right after I sent that message.

He immediately went offline.

I was disappointed. I decided that a more direct approach would be the key, I would confront him tomorrow at school. And I will do whatever it takes just to know what's been going on with him.

Time skip

While in class I was trying to keep my mind off Greg until my fifth period to tell him about how he's been acting. I was planning out what I would tell him in a manner that wouldn't make him want to ignore my question again. Time seemed to be going slow, the ticking of the clock was the only thing that I could hear at the moment.

The bell finally rang.

I was the first one to get out of the classroom as I rushed off to fifth period. While surfing through the hallway to get to my class I was also keeping an eye out to see if I could spot Greg in the hallway although I knew he was already in the class, he was always the first one there. When I entered I saw that he was sitting in a seat that was no where near where me and him normally sat, I could tell that he knew that I was going to ask him about his paranoia.

I got closer to him, he was looking away from me although he did glance at me when I came into the classroom. I sat on the chair right next to him, he turned to face me and so did I. "I know what you're gonna ask me and u-uhm- I don't know how to explain it in a way that would actually sound believable". As I was about to open my mouth to speak the class had started. "We'll talk about this after school" I whispered to him.

Another time skip-

Greg pulled me to side after exiting the school and spoke "Okay okay...I don't expect you to believe me or anything but.." he stayed quiet for a second "Greg, just speaks up dude, it's okay". He looked at me an spoke up again "okay.. ever since I went to that old abandoned location with my friends..this dog animatronic has been following me around and has not been leaving me alone as much as I tried". I stood silent, it did sound as unbelievable as he said, but Greg isn't the type to lie. "And for how long has this been happening?". "I already told you, ever since me and my friends visited that Fazbear location". "Alright... Don't worry, I believe you!". I heard Greg exhale a sigh of relief. "Finally, someone who trusts what I have to say" he pulled me into an embrace and I hugged right back.

I let go and looked him in the eyes. "Well..there's nothing I really have to do after this, would you like to come and watch some shows with me at my place?" I asked, even though it didn't really seem right from what he just said, being terrorized by an animatronic dog. But he gladly agreed. "Yeah sure! Might as well try to get my mind of some of the stress, let's go get our bikes".

An: this had kind of an abrupt ending but I hope you guys enjoyed it a little bit. I'll be doing either Sarah or Alec in the next one.

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