(A/N: As i get back into writing this, I'm kinda changing and making up some of the story as I go. after a couple of chapters, I'll redo the 'class' charting I did before, giving the new characters back stories and classes and such things. Hope you enjoy :D
Friendly reminder that slanted means thinking and bold mean it's said harshly/with more of a 'umph')/Frisk's Pov\
I lie in bed, staring at the ceiling of my room. What the heck was that thing last night? I sit and ponder what I had seen, but a gentle knock on my front door took the though right out of my mind. who could be knocking on my door? I get up and throw on a sweater and some pants, sliding into some comfy sandals and open the soor to see a middle-aged man standing at my door. "I'm real sorry Frisk, but the animals are going crazy in the barn, can you PLEASE help?" I let out a small sigh "Again?" I ask, trying not to sound annoyed. "I know I know, but the pigs kept punking the chickens and they kept trying to climb the cows to get to safety and..." The man- Jermey, keeps rambling on as I step outside, locking my door as I leave, and walk with him to the farm. Sometimes being good with animals really sucks./Chara's Pov\
I hate mornings I think as Asriel- That's my best friend, he's basically my brother, pokes me and shakes me "GET UP CHARA, MOM SAID WE HAVE TO GO GET EGGS" he yells "She told YOU, why do I have to come?" I snap at him, he knows I hate waking up early "Because you loovvvee meeeee" He replies, with a hopeful smile. "Keep dreaming, loser" I say and turn over, he fake gasps and throws himself on top of me "Your hurtful words killed me, blehhh" he says, going lips. "GET OFF YOU IDIOT" I say, pushing him up a little, not too much, he just snickers at me and stays dead "GET OFF YOU FUCKING FATASS" Asriel jumps up and looks at me, somewhat hurt "ow uh okay, i'll just go by myself then" he says quietly, and walks out. UGHHHHH I think and stand up, throwing on my sweater and shoes and walk to Asriel's room, where he's moping about "what do you want?" he asks, still in a quiet tone "Oh shut up, I'm going." Asriel, who obviously knew his plan would work, jumps up and starts running downstairs "OKAYMOMWE'REGOINGTOGETTHEEGGSBYE" He yells and runs out "Uh, Bye Tori." Chara says, stepping out of the house. A gentle "Be safe" can be heard as I leave, does she not know me? Considering the farm's on the other side of town, trouble is bound to be started.
Azzy and I walk up to the farm, the loud noises of the chaotic animals rise up as we get closer. Out of nowhere one of the bulls breaks the fence it had been trapped in, and charges straight for me. Before I had much time to react, Azzy is already in front of me and, even more surprising, a smaller looking person is in front of him too that's making some weird gestures and noises, but as the bull gets closer it seems to slow down, and once it reaches us, I can see that its eyes are pure black, like a void. It might have been my minds playing tricks on me, but I swear I saw something black dart across the floor and into the tree line as Azzy grabs me and starts asking if I'm okay. I reassure him and look up at the other person, who was petting and making noises at the bull "Hey, why'd you save us?" I ask, a little suspicious. The person just looks at me and shrugs. I was going to starts asking more questions but before I could make out another word, I felt a chill go down my spine. I turn to my left and see a dark figure, darker than the sunless sky, walking towards us. "Looks like my nightmares are back for a playdate" I tell myself as the thing starts charging us. It pulls what looks to be a dagger out of nowhere and lunges at us, but before it can, a violet wall appears before it, blocking it from us. Four other violet rectangles surround it, making it a little home, haha if demons like that even needed homes I think and smile. "Are any of you going to thank me, or do I have to do that for you guys too?" A soft voice asks from behind us. We all turn around and see...
Guys I'm gonna be honest, I don't know if I'm taking this in the right direction anymore LOL. I'm going to keep writing it, just because I think it's fun, but don't tell me it's bad, because I'm not exactly begging for you to read it. Also, I'm so cool, leaving it on a cliff hanger like that lmao. Uh, I got no more to add, BYE.