Part 2

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Walking beside her Harley kept sneaking evil glances her way. His plan was working perfectly. He couldn't believe how gullible May was at that moment. Did she really believe that He could ever have feelings for Her? How dumb could you get? It was just perfect though.

His plan was to spend time with her pretending to be a loving devoted boyfriend, until the day of the Contest, he was going to break this girl's little heart. Then whispering to himself he giggles and says "Some might call it petty, a jerk move, but I call it revenge."

For now he was going to work on getting May to fall deeply in love with him, whatever it might take.

"Oh Harley you have no idea how happy you've made me, I've cared for you for so long now, it's been so hard to keep it to myself all this time, and now I don't have to." She is saying off to the side, which only made Harley grin inwardly. This was going to be so very easy. Hadn't this girl learned better then to trust his intentions by now? How pathetic was this girl?

He soon spotted a diner just up ahead, he gently guided her in the direction of it. Upon walking inside it became rather obvious that it was a very high class, most likely expensive little establishment.

Harley smirks 'perfect" he thought, Watching May fall apart the day of the contest was worth every penny he would spend on her. He was sure the more he did for her the more she'd fall for him.

Sitting down, he looks up at the waiter and says "Bring us your most popular dish."

"Yes sir, right away." The waiter replied before scurrying off.

"Now, May, do you have a hotel for the night? I know you were at the beach, but where have you been staying while you've been here?"

"Oh, actually I was just camping outside on the beach." She blushed carefully.

"Well, how about instead of doing that you just bunk in my room? It has an extra bunk in it, plus it'll give us more time to spend with each other." He suggested.

"Okay that sounds great. When I got to the beach all the rooms had been taken already so I'd just been sleeping out on the beach, sleeping in a nice bed sounds lovely to be honest."

"Great." Harley grins.

He was sure the more time he spent with her the better his plan would work. "So Harley, what brings you out to the beach?"

"Training actually, I figured the beach would be a good place to train for the contest." He replied.

"It really is, although I mainly came out here to relax for a while, then next month I was going to start training my Pokemon on their combinations." May agrees.

"Not a bad plan, after all these years of doing contests and training it's good to take a little rest and relax for a bit." Harley tells her.

"So Harley, what is your family like?" May asked curious to learn more about Harley.

Harley was taken aback by the question, nobody that knew him had ever asked him about his home life before. What the heck it wouldn't hurt to tell her his life story..since she asked.

"Well as you know I'm a citizen of Slateport city, my dad was a Pokemon trainer from Sinnoh, my mom was a top coordinator from the Unova Region. They met in Hoenn where mom was competing in a contest and my dad was on his way to Mauville city to battle the gym.

It was raining, and my mom had just been robbed of all her money by some thugs,because all her Pokemon had been left at the local Pokemon center, so she's sitting there crying and hurt badly from the incident when my dad, being a gentleman, stops and asks her if she's ok. He takes her back to the hotel he stays at helps her get cleaned up, then dropped her off at the Pokemon center.

From there they eventually started traveling together until one day they decided they were in love, got married and bought a house in Slateport city.

Then when I was about 4 years old, my dad got restless, and left home to go off competing in Pokemon battles again.

Wasn't long after my mom decided she missed her life as coordinator and she sent me to a Pokemon boarding school and took off as well.

Before leaving for school I swiped one of my dad's empty PokeBalls. At school nobody wanted to play with me so at playtime I'd play in the garden by myself.

One day when I was out in the garden, I got attacked by a swarm of wingull. I was so scared and was completely defenseless when this Cacnea came out of nowhere and chased them off with his pin missile attack.

I eventually started hanging out with Cacnea all the time until one day with the Pokeball I took from my dad I caught it.

I decided if I wanted to get my parents attention then I needed to work hard and become a better coordinator than even my mom.

Eventually after a lot of years and hard work, I managed to get my Cacnea to evolve into a Cacturne. Together we eventually caught the rest of my Pokemon. That's it for my story, how about yours?"

"I'm sorry you had such a lonely childhood, no child should have had to grow up like that, restless or not at least one of your parents should have waited until you were old enough to at least start traveling. Failing that one of them could have taken you along on the journey. " May exclaimed feeling bad for his childhood.

Harley was surprised nobody had ever felt bad for him before. But May here seemed to generally care.

"I'm sure they had their reasons, they were both rather young themselves. But how about your story May?"

Well I grew up in Petalburg City, My dad is a gym leader. My mom used to be a trainer long ago but settled down when she met my dad.

My parents are really great parents, and my brother can be annoying at times but he's an awesome brother too. I didn't used to like Pokemon but once I started traveling with Ash I started to really learn all about the unique Pokemon and now I love Pokemon." She replies

The two of them continue to tell stories of their journey, the people they've met, contests. Likes. Dislikes.

Before long the food in front of them had long disappeared and it was time to head back to Harley's room at the Pokemon center.

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