Rubia -- Pumpkin Pie Cookie

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Rubia -- Pumpkin Pie Cookie


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You were a cookie who avoided social contact, it was too much for you. your only friend was her, Pumpkin Pie Cookie. You remember how you both met clearly... But enough of the exposition..

[ Oh look! Pumpkin Pie is at your door! ]

[ Open The Door? ]

YES  or     NO

You picked yes!

| Pumpkin Pie Cookie |

[ Hello y/n cookie! I was walking by your house, and Pompon wanted to visit you! ]

[ Let pumpkin pie in? ]

YES     or      NO

You picked yes!

[ Y/N L/N ]

| Come in pumpkin, I don't mind.. |

Pumpkin Pie walked in and sat down in the living room, You made tea and came too sit with her

| Pumpkin Pie Cookie |

[ Y/N? Would you like me to help you build confidence? ]

[ Start taking confidence classes with pumpkin pie? ]

YES     or     NO

You picked yes!

| Y/N L/N |

[ A-Eh- Suy- I mean- sure! ]

Pumpkin softly smiled, and drank the tea you made .

[ Pumpkin Pie ]

| Thats good, Pompon likes the tea. Mind if I sleepover for the day..? i'm a bit tired.. |

[ Let pumpkin stay over? ]


You picked yes!

| Y/N L/N |

[ I'd be happy too! the guest room is upstairs to your left. ]

Pumpkin smiled and went upstairs to rest in the guest room;you went up to your room and started humming a soft lullaby .

[ the one at the top, you dont have too tho]

End of part 1

[ I'm tired, so i finished up on this note- part 2 will have the confidence things and stuff ye]

[ I'm tired, so i finished up on this note- part 2 will have the confidence things and stuff ye]

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