Yellow | Black Raisin Cookie

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Black Raisin cookie x Fem!reader

Scenario; You are a survivor of the pure vanilla kingdom, trying to escape the wafflebots. and raisin saves and helps you because im generic and gay.

 and raisin saves and helps you because im generic and gay

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You're legs bruised and bleeding, you were in pain. the wafflebots.. they had turned against could barely run..the pain weighing you down-- your eyes became heavy.. the last thing you remember is her.

 the last thing you remember is her

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You woke up in a small village.. the wind was heavy against your skin, you seemed to be in some sort of tent, without warning two cookies entered.
One with black hair(?) and a serious face that could tell many stories..
another with blonde - grey hair and a blindfold around their eyes
" You've awoken? " asked the blindfolded cookie, you could barely speak, so you nod.
" Healer cookie- can you check her wounds? " the black haired cookie asked the other.. who seemed to be named healer cookie.
" Yes, I can black raisin. " You could tell the other was black raisin.. healer cookie came up too you
" I'll have to check your wound, please don't move " healer cookie 'looked' at you, awaiting a response
you nodded again, and healer cookie checked the wounds and bruises on your leg.
" You will be better with time-- Black raisin, do you mind taking her with you? "
" I wouldn't mind.. come on, lets go. " She put you on her back and took you too a different tent
" We will be staying here, If you can speak.. What is your name? " Black raisin asked
" Y.. Y/N Cookie " You answered struggling to clear out your crusty ass voice
Black raisin cookie smiled and put you on a bed
" Rest, Y/N. Your wounds are still healing "
Your eyes became heavy again, drifting into a dream

SWEET~TOOTH cookie run kingdom x readerWhere stories live. Discover now