♜Final Strike♜

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A game of chess pt.2   

1 day before the revenge

Namjoons' heavy steps made some noise as they hit the hard concrete, running his hand through his hair in the cold nights air.
To say he was stressed was an understatement.

Tomorrow evening, the moment the last sun rays hit the horizon, will be the moment Hope mafia starts preparing for the following fight.
RXD got their warning and threat, so it'll come to no surprise.
Had that been the wisest decision? Probably not, but in Hoseoks eyes it was the fairest, since he wanted to see their downfall not because they were taken aback by the sudden attack, but because they lost, even with all their men as backup, fair and square to the Hope Mafia.
Something Namjoon somehow understood.

Hoseok wanted to do it right, for the sake of Yoongi.
But that didn't mean it wasn't risky. Not at all actually.
Did everyone know the plan? Did they have enough people? How strong was RXD? Could they really overpower them?

The last one was something Namjoon could almost cross out from his list of worries, since RXD simply wasn't all that powerful, but there was always a slight possibility..
His lips left a deep sight, feeling how the cold slowly creeped into his warm coat. Maybe taking a walk hadn't been the wisest decision, but the right hand man just needed some fresh air.

Maybe he should have just opened a window, as he suddenly was pulled into a black alley. Out of reflex his hand slipped to his gun, but felt the object being punched out of it the next moment. All of this happening so fast, the male was completely taken aback as his back was all of a sudden pressed against the concrete wall, a very pretty face staring right back at him.

He blinked a few times, the other male slightly smirking, before he loosened his grip around the collar of his coat, casually resting his hands on Namjoons' chest instead.

"Don't worry handsome, I'm not here to hurt you." The male stated, Namjoon frowning, mustering the blond male sceptically, but not pushing him away. Choosing to not say anything in response.

The blonde suddenly warmly smiled at him.
"I actually came to discuss some real important stuff with the right hand man of Hope."
At that Namjoons' eyes sharpened, overall posture darkening at the very touchy unknown male.

And before he knew it, Namjoon switched their positions, now trapping the unknown male against the wall, a dagger held high by his right hand, ready to cut through the pretty mans flesh. He didn't come here to mess around with some possible threat, especially if that threat knew his position at Hopes Mafia.
But before he could swing the sharp object down, the strangers lips left words, which made him freeze.

"You knew Yoongi was in danger."


"The day of the explosion. Yoongi called you for help and you figured out he meant that there was a bomb in his house, because he used the word 'blast' and also called you Joonie, which he had never done before. So you reassured him to be quick and safe him in time."
The unknown male calmly spoke.

Namjoons breath hitched violently in his throat, slightly lowering the dagger in his hand.
"You're lying- You're probably one of those bastards, who did this to him in the first place." His gaze darkened again.

"Wrong. Because if that would be true, I would be only able to tell you what Yoongi had said, not you, nor the fact about your name right?"

That's were Namjoons brain hit a dead end- because he knew the other was completely right. Slowly slipped the dagger inside his pockets again, while his brain worked hard to connect all the dots.
Being aware of all this information, could only mean-

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