Chapter 2

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"Throperilia, what is the meaning of this? What are the Yiane doing here?" I whispered harshly, exhibiting my anger but keeping my composure. No need to show any weakness. The green haired σκύλα (skýla) dug her fingernails into my arm, imprinting triangle shaped marks into my skin. The pain didn't affect me; it simply fueled my anger. She smirked, and I took a deep breath.

"Why wouldn't they be here, Eliane? You just helped the Stronovaya murder someone, my colleague at that? Don't you think I would report that?" My eyes widened and then narrowed sharply. They don't know. Thank god.

But this was still bad. I was being taken by the Yiane because I had murdered someone high up, and that's bad enough. Maybe if I...

I wrenched my hand out of Throperilia's hold and pulled out my dagger and ___, fully equipped to take down these guards......or so I thought. Instantly, I was unable to move. Why, you ask? Because of those damned igers and their stupid immobilization abilities.

"We will take her to the palace. She will be dealt with there. Here is the reward." One of the guards, most likely the captain, stated to the σκύλα (skýla) before throwing her a large pouch. By the size of it, I assumed it contained enough money to last about three or four years. More than enough for Throperilia, but she was always looking for more money. What was the Earth phrase? Oh yeah. Gold digger.

She caught it, pinning me with her icy stare, before walking back up the stairs. "Take her away, I can't bear to see the murderer of one of my associates." She faked tears, bowing her head down and continued walking up and out of sight. Did I mention she was a σκύλα (skýla)?

I was soon released from the immobilization once they tossed me into one of the portals, hand and feet bound with Earth rope. Ha, cheapskates.

I didn't have time to contemplate my next move, because I was already at my next destination. If I knew better, and I did, I would say I was being transported to Lesura, where King Euphranor was probably waiting for trial. Now this probably sounds confusing. Why was I being taken to Lesura when I should be taken to the ruler of Siletra? The answer to that is, Euphranor is the King of Siletra. Over the many, many years he has been alive, his empire has grown. He owns over 6 planets, with Lesura being the main one, as the royal family Erodios lives there and it was where Euphranor was born.

Anyway, like I was saying, I was transported to Lesura, and picked up by two Yiane. Unfortunately, they didn't let me take in any weapons, and promptly stripped me of any 'dangerous objects.' Like, come on. I am a dangerous object.

I wasn't fluent in Lesurian, the mother tongue, but it was similar enough to Sileet, so I understood some of it. The Yiane were clearly conversing about how they are finally one step closer to finding the Stronovaya, unaware she was literally in their clutches. If I wasn't about to die, I would say this was a fun game.

My stomach rumbled. I wanted to eat. The thing I craved most from Earth was a good beef burger, something that isn't widely available on other planets. I also missed pizza, Italian, of course, with large pieces of mozzarella and basil. Just because I lived in a small town in Greece didn't mean I had no knowledge of the outside world; I owned a phone (albeit a 7 plus), and travelled to Italy once with my mom before she died.

The Yiane, who disregarded my clear sign of hunger, cut off the rope binding my ankles and pointed their igers at my feet, locking them in a translucent chain, allowing me the ability to walk, but also shock and immobilize me if I attempted to escape. How splendid.

From what I could see, there were ten lean, round towers surrounding the castle. They reached twice the height of the walls and are connected by towering, heavy walls made of golden stone. There were grand windows scattered here and there across the walls in an asymmetric pattern, along with symmetric crenelations for archers and artillery. Honestly, the crenelations weren't necessary, almost every other planet has evolved and created their own type of defense apart from something as pathetic as archery, but nostalgia, I guess. The entire castle was encased in a thick layer of snow, and a couple snowflakes fell as we walked by. I sneezed due to the cold, but either the Yiane were robots, or they got paid too much to care.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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