Chapter 1

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6 Years Later

Walking down the stairs in heels is not an easy task. Neither is running. That's why, as I practically flew down the flights of stairs out into the main courtyard, I chucked off both of my heels and threw them at my assailant. I heard him shout, and I turned my head around quickly to see there was green blood pouring out of his eye. I looked back again to see my beautiful shoes lying on the ground, one of their heels broken off. Damn it, those were not cheap. Oh well, I thought, might as well survive tonight to buy new ones.

I continued to run barefoot, not caring for the thorns and spikes poking my feet, only focusing on the footsteps of the monster behind me. How the heck did I get here?

Twenty four hours prior:

"I have a job for you." I looked up from my drink to see a creature, most likely a female with a pointy nose and ears towering over me. A Yackavi, I thought as I studied her. I am not short, around five foot eight inches on Earth, but on Strihaziri, many of the inhabitants stood at an average of seven feet tall, maybe even higher. This woman was likely gifted in the height department. She looked about seven and a half feet from where I sat, but there was a good chance she was taller.

"And what makes you think I am the right person for this 'job' you speak of?" I responded in her species' language, Galwaer. One of her eyebrows rose up, but she kept her face impassive as she spoke to me again, this time in Galwaer as well.

"You know of the Galakshi Stronovaya, yes?" She sat down in the chair in front of me. The infamous Huntress of the Galaxy? I wonder who that could be?

"What about her?"

"I heard you have access to her. I need to.....get rid of someone, but it has to be anonymous. Everyone fears the Stronovaya, but very few go against her." I can attest to that fact. Nobody questions the Huntress.

I sighed and clasped my hands together on the table. "I will contact her. How much are you willing to give? Her prices vary." Her long nails tapped against the table as we spoke, and I could see the wheels turning in her mind.

She looked me dead in the eye. "I have enough money to last a long time. This is very important to me." Rule number one, amateur. Never tell anyone how much anything matters to you. They will use it against you. Every. Single. Time.

"I understand. Give me your contact information and I will arrange a meeting." There was a hint of a smile on her face as she gave me what I needed before I sent her on her way.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Eliane Laskaris, and I am the infamous Galakshi Stronovaya. When I traveled from Earth to Siletra, I had no idea where I was, and after a bit of wandering, I realized I wasn't on Earth, and I freaked. I grabbed my phone, but quickly realized that one, I had nobody to call, and two, if I was on a different planet, I was pretty sure I wouldn't have found a signal.

I was briefly kidnapped and as soon as I escaped, I vowed to make sure not a single soul would ever experience what I did in those eight months. I went on a killing spree, traveling to hundreds of planets, and got rid of anyone I saw unfit to breathe air. Kinda dark but, oh well. I would say I regret it, but honestly, I would do it again if need be. I also take on small assassin - type jobs while on a planet once people get word that the Stronovaya is in town. They know who I am, of course, but they know of Eliane Laskaris as my confident yet reticent assistant, nothing more, nothing less. They aren't one hundred percent wrong; I technically am my own assistant.

I've made enemies in the past six years, but I've successfully avoided and / or killed most of them. Should I be bothered/worried? Yes. But am I? No. I've been doing this a long time, and if I wasn't any good at it, I would be killed by now.

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