Chapter 3

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That was years ago now though. Now the boys are fifteen and tomorrow is their birthday. Hadrian had spent the entire day in the library either reading or talking with the elves, mostly Dobby since he is Hadrian's personal house elf, he still got to know all of them and befriended most of them.

The only ones he wasn't friends with were the garden elves as he barely saw him, but they were still nice and always smiled at him, it was more respect than friendship. Dobby doesn't really know how to do things properly since Hadrian normally only talks to him for company and never really wants anything, he usually only gets things from Dobby when Dobby wants to get him something such as a blanket at night when its cold or a book from the shelf when he has a nightmare. The only thing Hadrian really asks for is company.

Once he accidently tripped and spilled some tea on the potter's carpet, but instead of simply ignoring it or scolding him they chose to beat him for it. As they did to every other house elf and sadly Hadrian too.

After finding Dobby badly beaten on the floor Hadrian helped him get back to health like he usually did with the elves, during that time the two bonded and were like best friends. Although Dobby had already taken to calling Hadrian ''Master Hadrian'' and didn't want to stop saying it. Hadrian didn't mind it; he was happy that Dobby was comfortable enough to tell Hadrian he wanted to keep doing it.

Dobby had been bonded to him a little after he was born, since he had already been serving the Potters for roughly three years when the twins were born. Meaning they were already bonded.

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