Feeling the pull

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Jimin looked annoyed at the box of medication that was empty, how could he have forgotten to pick up some more from his'friend'.
The medication was frowned upon by the wolf society.Omegas were supposed to be willing little things,who would be grateful for a Beta or Alphas attention, not self sufficient pretend Beta's.
Jimin had found it hard when he moved away from home or rather escaped from his parents trying to marry him off to an elderly rich wolf.
He had taken on part time night jobs , cleaning offices to get cash together, then other jobs delivering food until he had saved enough for an apartment rent.
While doing those jobs he'd come in contact with his 'friend ' someone who was an accomplished pharmacist who had found how to make a tablet that covered an omegas natural scent made them more like a Beta.
The wolf community didn't like to know there was something out there that would disturb the natural flow of life, so the pharmacist moved around but his regulars had him as a contact on their phones as Uncle p, then when they needed more he would come along looking like a food delivery guy dropping off the item and collecting his money.
Jimin rang the number, " hello?"
Jimin hesitated, it didn't sound like his friends voice ,
"Uncle?" He queried.
"Hello I'm sorry but the man who's phone this is has been in a fatal accident , I'm a medic sorry to tell you the news."
Jimin cut the call off, gasping, sorry for his friend but more than anxious about what he would do now.
He looked at his watch he needed to get to work, after all his struggles two years ago he was now an assistant in an office at the Jeon shopping mall.
He had been there for a few months only seeing his boss from a distance every now and then which suited him fine, he was sure he was probably an Alpha and having made it so far in life was probably like all other Alphas, bossy and demanding.
Jimin had felt unconcerned changing to a day job as the medication covered his omega scent and made him resist any smells from other wolves, which meant he was luckily left alone but now...., deciding he would just have to live with it he dressed and made his way into work hopefully there was enough of the drug left in him to combat the weakness of an omega.
Jungkook strode into the mall, he was not in the best of moods, he had everything he needed except a mate , this was one thing money couldn't buy but he wished he'd meet them soon. A lot of his friends had already found their mates, Jin and Namjoon, hope and Tae only Suga left.
He saw a small figure up ahead shoot into the lift quickly , he walked quickly trying to get there before the doors closed but didn't quite make it.
As he stood there waiting for the lift he smelt an aroma that was like peaches, it felt as though it calmed him, he wasn't sure what it was.
Jimin rushed to his desk which was luckily in a corner of the office, he had already seen others sniffing the air around their gaze falling quizzically on Jimin, someone people didn't often interact with usually ,as he gave off an aura of touch me not, but today he had seen the awareness in their eyes when he walked along.
He was glad to sit at his desk hidden away until Tae the office manager and a Beta came up,"Jimin have you got those...........sniff..........Jimin why do you smell like an Omega today......"
Jimin had known he was going to have to let others realise he was an Omega but he had hoped it would be in a while not now. Keeping a determined look on his face he decided to bluff it out.
"Well I thought I always smelt like one?" He questioned the other.
"Huh? I thought you were a Beta ,"
"Wow Tae my wolf senses don't know wether to be annoyed or Happy that you thought of me as a Beta."
"Oh er well as long as the works done it doesn't matter does it?"
"Your right it shouldn't matter at all what I am....., here's the files I think you wanted?"
Tae nodded his thanks, shaking his head as if he couldn't believe that he had mistaken Jimin for a Beta.
Jungkook arrived in his offices again catching that tantalising aroma but this time stronger .
Going into his office he couldn't sit down he felt like his wolf was trying to escape," what's the matter with you?" He demanded from his wolf, all he got were some howls in his head, his wolf becoming frustrated.
He looked out onto the main office seeing the same people he saw everyday out there, so he wondered what was disturbing his wolf so much.
He called through to his second in command Namjoon ," let's go walk the mall," he did this most days to make sure everything was running smoothly.
Namjoon met him outside his office and they walked to the lift, both males sniffing the air.
"You smell it too?"
"Yes,like peaches,"
They both looked around seeing the same people they normally saw.
Just as they got into the lift Tae yelled to hold the lift, running in.
"Thanks boys," he said to the pair in the lift.
"Where are you off to?"
"Got to pick up something for Suga he had put by."
"Everything else ok?"
"Fine......,I think I must be going mad though."
"Why" they both queried.
"I suddenly realised Jimins an Omega, I've thought he was a Beta all this time."
"Peaches," the other two exclaimed .
"Yer......,you smelt it too?"
"Very Faintly," Namjoon said.
"Faintly?It was strong delicious smelling,but I didn't know where it was coming from but I know I wanted to smell it more."Jungkook said.
Tae and Namjoon looked at each other,"mate," they both said.
"Don't be silly, Jimins worked here for a while he's never made me feel like he's my mate...,cute yes,"
"Well I didn't realise he was an omega did you?" Tae said.
"Somethings going on ," Jungkook said, "there's only one way he could have hidden that from us."
"Maybe we should ask ourselves why he hid it?" Namjoon always logical spoke up.
"Well it's not like he's done anything wrong to us, as long as he does his work we shouldn't interfere in his life," Tae said, as the lift doors opened and the three walked out.
Jungkook immediately put thoughts of Jimin aside.
He strode around the mall, pointing things out for Namjoon to note down if it was not supposed to be there or if somewhere didn't look clean enough.
The shop managers bowed to him as he either walked past or went into the shop to make sure they were adhering to the malls policies when they rented a shop from him.
Eventually the pair went back to the office, to contact those responsible where something was wrong.
His day was busy he ate lunch in his office then decided to get a coffee from the staff room.
Walking to it he was overwhelmed by the smell of peaches,, the nearer he got, his wolf fought against him whining,'mine' he kept saying.
Finally getting into the staff room he saw the small figure of Jimin who suddenly turned eyes ablaze with what looked like lust , but then he looked frantic eyes glancing for an escape root as Jungkook. Stormed across the room growling,"mate!"

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