Weekend break

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Jimin was excited ,the two of them were in their way to Jungkooks beachside villa.
He loved the sea and was looking forward to shifting to his wolf, it had been a while, the city wasn't really the place to roam around as a wolf.
"Ok baby?"
Jimin  looked to his mate, he could feel the others feelings his concern his happiness.
"I'm fine, can't wait to get there."
"Another half hour and you will be."
Jimin nodded, the drone of the car making his eyelids droop, the last two nights had been energetic to say the least, he dozed off from tiredness.
"Jimin, baby wake up we are here."
The smaller boy prised his eyes open, in front of him was a gated villa, lots of big glass windows, a grassy incline and the beach, they drove through the automatic gates.
Jimin jumped out quickly when the car stopped, rushing to admire the view.
"Wow how can you not live here constantly it's so beautiful."
"You like it then? I'll take our cases in come in when your ready."
Jimin nodded turning to the view again, his wolf was fidgeting inside him wanting to be let out, he turned to the car but Jungkook had already gone inside.
He couldn't wait, stripping out of his clothes where he was he shifted into his small grey and white wolf, careering down the grass and running along the sand. He felt the freedom and joy he hadn't felt for a long time and just ran , nearing the water and rushing back playing like a child.
Jungkook had taken the cases to the bedroom he pulled back the curtains to step out onto the veranda breathing in the fresh sea air.
Then he saw him, a beautiful grey and white wolf almost the same colours as his own but his wolf was much larger.
The sight brought a smile to his face, jimin was playfully testing the sea running back and forth,he was as beautiful in wolf form as he was in human.
Feelings stirred inside him, he wondered how it would feel to take Jimin as a wolf, he stripped off stepping from the veranda and chasing down his prey, mind linking with the other he said," your beautiful as a wolf too my Jiminee "
"Hey I can hear you, race you down the beach,"
He shit off Jungkooks wolf bearing down on him , he caught up with him and both went rolling in the sand.
"It's not fair your bigger and faster and.....Kookie are you horny ?"
Jungkook held him down as he rutted against him, it felt different for both of them then Jungkook came ...intensely, as a wolf he caused a knot to form enlarging inside Jimin, he wouldn't be able to release from him until the knot went down.
Jimins wolf was panting from this feeling his wolf nuzzling his nose against Jungkooks wolf.
"Well this is.....different" jimins wolf said.
"It's a first for me........., but I think I like it better seeing you come under me."
They rested there for another ten minutes until Jungkooks knot subsided.
Releasing from Jimin he shifted Jimin doing the same.
The two naked males stared at each other before Jimin yelled," race you into the sea,"
This time he was quick on his feet  and waded into the sea which was freezing but he turned lying to the other," wow come in in its great!" He dived under the water knowing Jungkook would come in to keep him safe, popping his head up he saw the moment Jungkook charged in, the look in his face a picture from the shock of the cold water.
Jimin quickly made his way to the beach giggling until he heard,"Park Jimin You little shit!!!"
He tore up the beach making it to the veranda hearing pounding footsteps behind him, he was laughing so much he couldn't pull the door open so two muscular arms wrapped around him.
"Wow come in it's great!" A voice mocked in his ear.
"Y-you looked so funny," jimin couldn't stop laughing.
He was turned quickly lips roaming his as what started as a punishment turned into moments of pleasure while they explored each other's mouths.
Jungkook pulled back," Jimin your freezing let's go in have a hot shower then something to eat."
He picked Jimin up and carried him to the large bathroom, turning on the shower hot water poured over them both warming them up, Jimin felt a bit guilty so turning to his mate he looked up," I'm sorry,"
"Ah it's ok, you were having fun."
"Let me show you how sorry I am." Jimin slid down to his knees letting his lips encompass Jungkooks member which quickly sprang to attention.
"I love your mouth,"Jungkook moaned.
Jimin swirled his tongue licking and sucking , gagging a bit as Jungkook thrust against him.
His own member was now aroused, he steadied himself with one hand on Jungkooks leg while he pleasured himself with the other.
"That's it baby touch yourself...., does it feel good ,your hot mouth in my dick is unbelievable, your gonna make me cum, cum with me Jimin ...right.....now!!!" He released down Jimins throat as Jimin let out a moan of pleasure releasing onto the wet floor.
Jungkook helped him up kissing him and tasting himself. They quickly washed off and then wrapped themselves in towels, drying off in the bedroom . Jimin let out a yawn," sorry, can we just nap, we left early and it's not time for lunch?"
"Sure, come into bed."
They lay in the soft bed cuddling , Jungkook spooning against Jimin his arm protectively around him.
Without thinking just as he slept Jimin said," I love you Kookie,"
Jungkooks heart leapt neither of them had said this before, he was about to respond when he heard tiny snores Jimin sound asleep.
He couldn't wait for the other to wake up again, he would tell him how much he meant to him.
He heard his phone buzz from where he had left his clothes on the veranda slipping from the bed he went outside bending to pick his clothes and phone up,
"Yes?" He said not looking at the caller.
"Ah Kookie it's me Hanu, look I think we should talk,"
"We have nothing to say."
"Oh I think you'll be interested in this, it's about Jimins boyfriend ."
"What lies are you on about now?"
"We'll come see me and I'll tell you."
"I'm not in town I'm away for the weekend."
"Oh well maybe I should just talk to the boyfriend ."
"No look where are you?"
Hanu mentioned her fathers second home which was forty minutes away, he told her he would meet her there, dressing while talking to her. Putting the phone down he turned to go back in the room not noticing the figure hiding by the side of the house.
Finding some paper he wrote a note knowing Jimin wouldn't wake for a while.
Jimin in case you wake up I've just popped out I will hopefully be back before you wake up, I love you too baby xx
He smiled as he wrote it then dashed out the front to his car driving off.
A figure silently slipped into the room he crept over to the bed picking the note up replacing it with a note he'd been given, this was easier than he had thought, creeping out he went to the front of the house , climbing the wall dropping down the other side. Taking out his phone he called a number," it's done , easier than you thought I didn't have to pretend to be a messenger I crept in while the boy was asleep put the note on his pillow, you just need to keep the boyfriend away for a while so this one will leave," the phone clicked off the other end.
The man sighed, he really should get out of this type of work, it paid well but left a nasty taste in his mouth. He then waited as he still had something to do before his job was up.
Jimin stirred his arm flopping out but finding a cold empty bed on the other side.
"Kookie?" He mumbled.
Sitting up he looked around his eyes catching the paper on the pillow, picking it up he read it, his eyes filling with tears as he did so.
I thought I could do this but I was wrong, we are just too different,however much I try to convince myself I cannot see this working, I'm sorry I mated you and can only hope you will forgive my cowardice in not confronting you, but I love someone else.
I hope you will understand that I don't think we should meet again, it will be better for both of us.It will be best if you leave before I come back.
Take care
Jimin sobbed, no it couldn't be happening, he'd finally let go of his past just to be thrown away like an unwanted bit of trash. He suddenly remembered the words he'd said,I love you....., is that what had changed things, no Jungkook said he loved someone else.
He stood up he couldn't stay here, he dressed grabbing his case, he automatically made the bed and tidied any mess, he picked his clothes up from outside shoving them in his case.
He started coughing, great he thought teach him to go in the cold sea. He looked up where a bus or train station was and saw he could walk to it, he closed the doors and left, getting to the gate he saw a button off to the side pressing it the gates opened and he trudged out tears still running down his face, causing the hidden man some misgivings but what could he do Miss Choi was his bosses daughter and he would be out of work if he hadn't done this, he'd followed them all the way here his security team finding out the location of Jeon Jungkooks hideaway, Miss Choi had told him what to do but he wasn't happy about it, maybe he should have spoken to her father he wasn't that kind of man but Miss Choi had said the order came from him.
Watching the boy walk away he slipped in through the closing gate, going to the veranda, he had to pick the lock this time, going into the room he pulled out the other note holding it for a while before shaking his head and placing it on the bed , then slipping out and away from the villa, collecting his motorbike from behind a hedge and driving back to the main house not wanting to see the daughter again.
Jimin arrived at the bus station weary and tearful, he put sunglasses on to hide his red eyes then got on a bus going back to town.
Arriving there he made his way to Jungkooks house knowing Jungkook wouldn't be there. Using his key he let himself in going straight away to pack all his stuff up before placing the key on the table and leaving.

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