Reasons why I'm probably a Lesbian💕

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Hi, so I know I came out like a while ago, and it's been a while since I've updated this for my 8 followers and so I've decided to list why I think I'm a lesbian.

1. Men kinda mean~  :((
I've been catcalled before and guys kinda just gimme an icky bad vibe, Y'know? It's just kinda  scary the idea of getting with the wrong guy.

2. Peepee is ew.
So.. I saw one. A Boy No-No Square that is... I did not like it. I mean like it looks uncomfy. Just for *it* to be *inside* of you and if it's the wrong place then it'll feel *not good* (/ _ ; ) and I just.. don't want *it* in *me*

3. Boobie 💕😩
I like Boobs, they are cool and nice no matter what and I like 'em.

4. %99 of my thoughts are ✨women✨
I just wanna date one~~~ 😩🥰 cause they are so pretty and I wanna my future girlfriends hand and kiss her and marry her and snuggle with her and ✨omgg💕💖✨ just- women. I'm general.

5. Sissoring.
I... (*'ー`*) want to.

6. Pretty.
They just are💕💖🥰❤️

End of chapter ~~
[side note!! I think Imma write some more again~~ I'm thinking about writing a bhna self insert type fanfiction where I can be a fairyy🥰

I'll probably see you in a second ~~

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