Chapter 8

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*Third Person*

"Raid!!" One elf yelled opening the curtains to reveal herself "Run! Run!" Everyone soon started to make their way out the small area but we're stoped by voices.

"Everybody get down!"

"You heard the elf! Get down!"

Nikolas and Nora were holding each other's hand scared that they could get separated.

"Don't you point that thing at me." And elderly elf said with her hand on her hip.

"Sorry, Mum." The elf guard said un-pointing his spear at the woman. The elf's chopped down the ropes causing all of the colors to disappear, blowing out the candles in the process. Nikolas and Nora crawled over to Father Topo confused as ever.

"What's going on?" Nora asked in a whisper

"Shh! Shh!" Is all she gets as a response before the doors open revealing a woman with a staff and some sort of headdress. Nora fought off the urge to roll her eyes. She hated these kinds of people, they always think that they're always right, think that what they're doing if for the better.

The woman used some sort of power to knock down the tables, causing everyone to gasp out in horror.

"So the rumors are true." She starts looking at the crowd of people on their knees "There are still elves that like to party." What's wrong with partying?

"Mother Vodal-" Father Topo tried to start

"Quite!" The woman yelled

"Have we learnt nothing? Has the suffering of the past moths made us not a hot wiser? Are the new rules to be completely igno-" she trailed off at the last bit of her sentence when she laced her eyes on Nikolas, Nora and Miika.

"Who or rather what is that?" She said her eyes glaring as she pointed to them.

"My names Miika, Mum." Miika but in out of nowhere "Have you never seen a mouse before?" God this mouse might be the end of us at some point.

"I have. I wasn't addressing you."

"I'm Nikolas and this is Nora." Nikolas said as they stood up. "We're human."

"I see that too. I just don't believe it."

"Father Topo, unless I'm much mistaken, which I never am, you were at the last council meeting." The woman asked looking straight at him.

"Y-Yes. I was." He stammered

"It was at the meeting that the new rules for elves were introduced. The most important and least breakable being that no humans can ever, ever be brought here."

"But I... I didn't bring them here." Father Topo reassured standing up "I found them. A whisker from death." He continued "So I.. I preformed a... a small hope spell."

"A drimwick? On humans." She glared at him "

Little one." She out her hand up using her powers to slightly choke the poor man.

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