Chapter 13

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*Nora's POV*

Nikolas and I were listening to Father Topo as he kept asking questions on how we were able to make the raindeer fly.

"I don't fully understand how you did it, take me through it from the-" Father Topo was cut off by a kind elf getting our attention.

"You kids, saved our child." "Anyone could have done it." Nikolas replied "But only you two did." The wife responed. Before any of us could say anything Miika piped up.

"Don't be hero's. Take the win." I gave the little mouse a look that said 'really?' "We are simple top makers." The father said. "He's being humble. Their tops are top-notch." Little Noosh interrupted.

I smile at the little elf, turning back at the couple. "To show our appreciation, we'd like to offer you a selection of our finest wares." Nikolas picked a top and held it in his hand. "I've only ever had one toy." He stated simply

"It was a turnip doll, with a cute little face on it." I said, smiling at him. "My mama made if for me." Nikolas's smile faded a little remembering the doll. "It's a very sad story." Miika commented

"He ate it." "We e all done things we regret." The truth pixie said. "Only one toy." The father said, like it was the worst thing that could happen to a kid. "Playing with it made me feel happy and loved. It's more than any kid needs." Nikolas started "But I guess I don't need that turnip doll now do I?" He finished looking at me, with a smile.

When I look at him I see his eyes widen, like an idea just popped into his head. Everyone looked at him as his expression became more clear.

"Wait." Nikolas said, grabbing the bowl full of tops. "What is it?" Father Topo asked. Nikolas only looked at him then back at the parents. "Could you make more? Lots, lots, more." He asked.

"Well, of course-" The father started to say but. Nikolas cut him off, "We'll need anything you have. Shiny things, stacking things, things that wind up." He continued "and I'll need to borrow this curtain too."

I looked at him, only to revive a smile back. What is he planning? "Could you be kidnapping another elf?" Our pixie friend asked excitedly. I look at her with a face that said 'really?' and she responded with a shrug.

"No, bigger." Nikolas responded simply, "much, much bigger." "We're opening a curtain shop." Miika butted in making me giggle at his guess. "Right. Come on." Father Topo said guiding everyone out. "And we haven't much time!"

"And I haven't much cheese." Miika complained "Why didn't you say so? I make my own." Little Kip's mother replied. "Marry me." Miika instantly said, causing me to laugh.

The room was crowded with elves, busy working on making little trinkets and toys.
Miika was running on the huge wheel, struggling while doing so.

"It's alright everyone, I'm powering the wheel." He said, in a sarcastic tone.

Everyone was hard at work, painting, carving, designing etc. Nikolas and I were checking up on how the elves were doing.

"Thank you. It's just perfect." Nikolas complimented "You're doing great work everyone, keep it up."

I turn to Nikolas with a smile on my face. "You know something, Nikolas?" "Hmm?" "After everything you've suffered through, you still find a way to put others before yourself."

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