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I'm just gonna write this like this book somehow magically got famous and there's at least one comment on every line, just because I don't want to have to do that later.

(Again, I'm writing this like I'm already ultra-famous)

This book isn't exactly a light romance novel. It isn't overly smutty, though. I guess they have their moments, but overall, it isn't as light and happy as you would assume from the cover. I could tell you that it is just as light and happy as the cover, but that would be lying, and I really don't want death threats.

I don't even know what to call it: a romance novel with a side of sports? Sports romance with a side of high school? 

I think novel is the right word. It should be about 30 chapters long, unless I decide to add or delete parts. Every chapter should be AT LEAST 1K words, so I promise you get some bulk when it takes me five years to update.

This will be written in first person pov. There will be two characters that it switches between. I'm not gonna lie and say that it'll rotate, because odds are, it won't, but there will be two different views.

Let me just make one thing clear real quick.

Actually, a couple of things:

First of all, this book is HEAVILY based off of Taylor Swift songs. Sure, I came up with the characters and the plot, but each chapter is based on a blondie song. Some are more straightforward than others.

Second of all, I suck at updating, and I mean it. I'm going to try to stay a chapter ahead, so if it's taking me ages to update I have a backup. I really want to see this through to completion.

Third of all, if you don't like my writing, don't read??? I don't want hate, so please, just don't do that. If you hate a character, go ahead. Please share your opinions on certain characters. If you're going to hate me... yeah, no thanks.

Heavy disclaimer: There's probably going to be mentions of dark stuff, because it's a topic that comes up in times like these. Underage drinking/drugs/sex/etc. are all things that ARE GOING TO COME UP. If you don't like that, don't read. If you read, it's not my problem that you got triggered. I'll try to put TWs before each chapter, but I might forget. Again, my bad, but also your bad.

About the cast list: in NO WAY do you have to actually acknowledge it. The actors chosen are the ones who will be edited with on tiktok, but there are some changes to their looks in the books. You can choose to make up your own descriptions if that's how you roll!

I'm going to stop rambling now, but please enjoy. I can't wait to go on this trip with whoever actually reads this...

(I'm going to shamelessly self-advertise for a second: my tiktok is the same as my account here, and Cassia and co. will be endlessly featured!)

Best of luck I guess?

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