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"Holy shit, aren't you that guy in the magazines?!"

I turned around slowly, feeling the soft breeze hit my back and touching it warmly, leaving goosebumps wherever it traveled. I felt the little hairs tingle in a sense of unfamiliarity that seem to reach into my soul with its sensation.

Lifting the small aluminum can up to my parched lips, I swallowed the sweet substance ever so deeply, feeling it salivate my mouth before traveling down to my throat, never to be seen again, leaving a slight tangy feeling surrounding my pharynx. And in that moment of pure hydration, I met eyes with the one who I supposed was talking to me.

Icy blue.

That was my first impression of him at least.

I didn't really keep an eye on anything besides those icy blue cold orbs that seem to metaphorically freeze me by just the look of his pupils. A blue that seem to be able to see through every nook and cranny of my being to the point where I felt like I was no longer the only user of my body. A blue that seemed to shut off my arteries and the circulation of blood within my body, like the effects of hypothermia.

Though his personality itself was something to keep and eye on, his vulgar use of language, that was blunt and non-conforming. Non-conforming to what society expected of him.

I wasn't able to let out a sound of understanding before I had finally understood the situation I was placed in at that moment.

"Nice to meet you, are you guys my partners for this mission?"

I let out a cool-toned greeting for the two seniors in front of me that were only a year older yet the social construct of Japan forced me to be inclined and introduce myself to them acceptably.

My supposed partners for this so-called mission in order to escort the vessel.

I had no intent of truly getting to know them, I was only here because I had to be. Being forced to do something that I didn't agree to, yet thought would be amusing. It was doubtful that a mission like this would last longer than a couple of weeks as well.

Yet somehow just the physical attributes of the two just a mere feet or two away from me seem to incline me to stay longer.

They just looked at me for a while. No clear indication of what either of them saw nor thought of me within their orbs. Even though their orbs seemed like they've seen everything the world had thrown at them, their eyes still couldn't give away what their impressions were of me.

Even the one with those chilling azul eyes behind those mysterious lenses that seem seemed they lacked any purpose besides covering up a rarity within this uninteresting world. Covering up what seemed like a world wonder in a physical appearance.

I could sense the sight of the other having their lips curled inwards ever so much in a friendly, mature manner, yet world wonder seemed stand-offish and ignorant; similar to a child.

"Suguru Geto."

The one who's eyes curled upward in a slight smile, not exactly as friendly as he gave off, let out a cool introduction yet definitely more mature than the other guy. His appearance was unique in a way, medium length green hair that color could only be found in a swamp tied up in a delicate manner. There was enough hair to be tied up, yet none of it hung loose, giving a sense of organization to him.

His bangs were atrocious but that's a story for another day. In a way, he seemed charming, but I wasn't sure if that was the uneasiness of sensing a power imbalance in me speaking.

The other was definitely attractive in a way where girls would swoon over just the sight of him, attractive in a way where he could show up in a middle of a crowd of nobodies and still become a somebody.

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