~"chapter 2"~

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Ryujin's POV

 "you sure jagi?" lia unnie ask chaeryeong 'jagi' that nickname i used to call her like that i frown a little and ask lia unnie "jagi?" i felt chaeryeong gazed at me so i gazed back i met her eye's but she look i away and bite her lips

"ahh yes jagi im calling ryeongie jagi like a months right jagi?" lia unnie said "n-nae" chaeryeong said "do you even know what jagi mean's unnie?" i ask lia unnie...

Yuna's POV 

So when we arrive in this new cafe near at our building and while yeji unnie ordering for us lia unnie suddenly said "you sure jagi?" i was shock a little cuz i never know that lia unnie and chaeryeong unnie was like that i glance at chaeryeong unnie and ryujin unnie i notice ryujin unnie have a frown face when lia unnie said 'jagi'

'Oooo tea might record this' i thought so i took my phone and record their conversation "jagi?" ryujin unnie ask with her frown face "ahh yes jagi im calling ryeongie jagi like a months right jagi?" lia unnie said then chaeryeong unnie said "n-nae" i let it out a 'O' i was about to end my recording when ryujin unnie spoke "do you even know what jagi mean's unnie?" ryujin unnie ask

i froze a little but i smirk too i turn my gazed on lia unnie who nodded and said "i do it's mean 'darling' nothing's wrong with actually chaery like it" chaeryeong unnie nodded and chuckled i glance again at ryujin unnie and i saw her like she's pissed off 

so clear my throat and end my voice recording just in time yeji unnie was coming back with the cofee's "ahh yeji unnie is here" i said which made the other look

"why something's wrong?" yeji unnie ask as she placed the cofee's on the table "what do you mean something's wrong nothing unnie were fine" i said "ok..." yeji unnie was about to sit when i stand up and grab her hands

Yeji's POV

 I was about to sit beside lia when yuna grab my hand "wait yuna-" "shh unnie we need to talk a little.." she whisper to me i glance at lia and the other's "um unnie's me and yeji unnie will be back" yuna said as she smile at the others im confused so i ask her "but i just got-" "shhh lets go" i just follow her when we got in the bathroom of the cafe

yuna took out her phone and said "unnie you wouldnt believe what happen when your gone.."  "huh? What?" i ask her "here" she play the voice record so i just listen it.. When it got done i was speechless "jagi...?" "yes! Jagi i think ryujin unnie still have on...-" i didnt let yuna finish her sentence "yes she still.. And i do too on her.."

"what you have a crush on ryujin unnie?! Omg!" yuna said my eye's widen when she said that "no! I dont have a crush on your sister yuna" i said "then with who with chaeryeong unnie or with lia unnie?" she ask

"with jisu..." "jisu.. Wait lia unnie I-" she said and sigh "why didnt you tell her? Unnie why?" "just like your sister said yuna im coward.." "aishh lets just go back..." she said i just nodded when we go back we saw ryujin who's pissed or annoyed and lia and chaeryeong who's having a own world i sigh

-hey guys sorry if the chapter is kinda boring but thanks for reading! <3 bye bye

- and yes i fix this some of my spelling is wrong so yeah

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