• When you die •

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The team, with you included, was on an intense mission with class 1-A. However, in the heat of the conflict, you, y/n, received severe injuries that were far beyond repair.

- Shigaraki, upon witnessing your lifeless body, found himself rooted to the spot in pure shock. His feet were glued to the ground, his eyes wide as they stared at your unresponsive form.

- Overwhelmed by despair, he dashed to your side and began shaking your body, desperate for any sign of life. His voice echoed around the room as he pleaded, "H-hey y/n...wake up!...no NO! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME TOO, PLEASE!" He cried out, his words filled with sheer desperation, hoping against hope for your body to stir, but there was only silence.

- Shigaraki, who was usually so composed, was reduced to tears. He sobbed uncontrollably, his breath hitching in his chest as the reality of your demise dawned upon him.

- His tears flowed freely, unbothered by the rest of the LOV watching him. In that moment, he was not their leader, he was just a man grieving the loss of someone dear to him. His focus was all on you,

- minutes turned into hours as he continued to weep, refusing to leave your side. Kurogiri, in an attempt to return some semblance of order, opened a portal for the league to return to their hideout. Yet, Tomura remained stubborn, unwilling to leave your side.

- in the end, Dabi to tear him away from you. His pleas and struggles echoing through the air as he was dragged away from your lifeless form.


The league was mid-mission, in the thick of the action. Dabi, having just finished off another villian that he had crossed paths with, decided to seek you out amidst the chaos.

- However, when he finally located you, his eyes widened in horror and disbelief. Your lifeless body lay on the ground, a gaping wound on your stomach. The sight was more than he had been prepared for.

- Without a second thought, he sprinted towards you, calling your name in a desperate plea, "Y/N...HEY!" He cradled your body, lifting you gently into his arms. As the blood began to soak into his jacket and white shirt, the reality of the situation started to sink in.

- Over and over he called your name, hoping against hope that you would respond, that this was some cruel joke and you would answer him. But instead, he was met with silence, making him tear up non-stop (just pretend he can cry rn)

- After what seemed like an eternity, he managed to regain a semblance of composure. He removed his jacket, gently laying it over you. Holding your body close, he rose to his feet.

- With a heavy heart, he set off to rejoin the rest of the league. But his mind was consumed with one thought only - to hunt down and exact revenge on the individual responsible for your death. He swore a solemn oath to make whoever did this pay, a promise fueled by the fiery rage and grief consuming him.


- He felt his throat closing up.
"Y/n?. Y/n! Wake up please!..no...no no no, this can't be happening!..."
- twice stared at you with wide teary eyes
- he cried for so long that one of the league members had to drag him away

Mr. Compress:

Having realized your absence after an assignment given by Shigaraki, Mr. Compress felt a sense of concern and took it upon himself to go looking for you.

- To his utter disbelief and shock, he stumbled upon your lifeless body tucked away in a nearby alley/.

- "Y-YN!?" He exclaimed, his voice choked with panic. Without wasting a moment, he rushed towards you, his heart pounding in his chest.

- He knelt down by your side, his mind racing and his hands shaking. The reality of the situation was sinking in and he was starting to panic, completely unsure of how to handle the situation.

- "C'mon y/n! Wake up!" He shouted, trying to revive you with CPR, his voice echoing through the silent alley.

- Despite his desperate efforts to bring you back from the brink, nothing changed. The horrible reality hit him hard - you were already gone. His heart felt heavy within his chest, the silence of the alley only amplifying the gravity of the situation.

- "Please..no.." He muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. He was petrified, staring at you, unable to comprehend the tragic scene in front of him. He sat there, tears tracking down his face, the silence broken only by his soft sobs.

- After what felt like an eternity, he mustered the strength to cover your lifeless form with a blanket. Still reeling from the shock, he slowly picked himself up and walked back to the hideout.

Kai Chisaki (Overhaul):

Overhaul and Kurono had a mission to eliminate a small gang that was causing problems near the Shie Hassaikai. Against Chisaki's better judgment, he allowed you to come along with them. Despite his concerns, he felt your determination and agreed to let you join.

- Once they reached the gang's hideout, Chisaki instructed you to remain outside. He didn't want to put you in unnecessary danger and hoped to keep you safe from the violent confrontation inside.

- The mission took longer than expected. After 28 minutes of intense fighting and arguing, Chisaki emerged from the building, expecting to see you waiting for him.

- Instead, he found a horrifying sight - his lover, lying motionless on the ground, with two bullet holes on their chest. Chisaki's eyes widened in disbelief, his heart pounding in his chest as he rushed over to you.

- "Y/n?!" he called out, his voice shaky and filled with panic. He noticed the blood pooling around you. You had been lying there, injured and alone, while he was unaware and unable to help.

- "Shit...I'm so stupid, how could I let this happen." He muttered to himself, his legs shaking underneath him, struggling to support his weight. The guilt was overwhelming. "It's all my fault this happened."

- Kurono emerged from the building soon after, and immediately ran over to Chisaki, intending to inform him of their need to evacuate quickly.

- With heavy hearts, they both returned to the Shie Hassaikai, leaving behind the lifeless body of Chisaki's lover. The image of you lying there, lifeless, haunted Chisaki.

- The regret he felt was immense. He blamed himself every time he thought about it.

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