Chapter 1

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Bella's POV

I walked into the throne room, "You wanted to see me Uncle Aro?" I bowed and he smiled, "Isabella my darling niece I have a mission for you." I frowned causing Uncle Aro never sends me on missions, "why me Uncle Aro?" I asked and he smiled brightly his red eyes glowing, "because you are the only one of as with a heartbeat."

"What is my mission?" I asked and he stood up, "we have suspicions about the Cullens family. We fear that their veggie loving ways will reveal us and destroy the nation we build. So you are to go undercover as a human to see if they would really do it. If they were reveal themselves when face with the opportunity."

"Okay but what does Mama have to say about you sending me on a mission like this?" Uncle Aro froze, "Didyme won't know until it's to late to be stopped." I stared at my Uncle who sighed, "you share her death stare. You could freeze a room with that stare my darling Isabella." I let a small smile slip onto my face, "I learn from the best."

"You'll be leaving for Fork, Washington in 2 hours do you think you can pack without your mother finding out?" I giggled, "my oh my dear Uncle I didn't know you were that scared of Mama." Aro huffed, "when it comes to her precious baby anyone would be scared shitless." I smiled and Aro sighed, "go pack dear Jane and Chelsea will take you to the airport then drop you off with a contact of mine his name is Charlie he is half vampire just like you."

"Okay Uncle Aro," I went to turn but then he spoke again, "be careful Princess it's a dangerous world at there." I turned back to him, "what are sea men still killing sirens before they could open their mouths?"

"Just be careful my darling niece," Uncle Aro said and I know. "Okay," with that I ran out there and was in my room in 10 seconds and packed everything I would need.

My name is Isabella Volturi I'm a few thousands of years old and I'm a half breed. Half Siren and Half Vampire. Yeah so turns out Vampires can only get pregnant by Female Sirens. This was while Mama was trying to find herself. A siren found her at sea and they you know and 9 weeks later Mama had me but my other mother was long gone by then. Mama brought me back to the Volturi castle and I became their Princess. Mama moved on with her mate Marcus who was one of the Volturi leaders and he was very cool about the sleeping with a Siren part.

"Bella are you ready to go?" I turned and saw Jane. I smirked, "unwrapped yourself from your mate already Jane oh my now I feel special." Red eyes stare at me and I stared back, "you are so going to miss me." Jane rolled her eyes, "if I could I would make you fall to your knees in pain." I smirked, "Kinky Jane and I thought you only did that with your mate but I'm up for anything."

"You sirens always going after someone's mate shame Bella shame," I turned to see Chelsea, "like you're any better gorgeous." Chelsea rolled her eyes, "mm you've got a mouth I can't wait for someone to be able to train the brat out of you."

I smirked, "you'll be waiting a while." They both shook their head then we were off.

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