Chapter 23

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Bella's POV

"Wait so Alice has the..." Leah trailed off and I blushed, "yes maybe kind of I mean-" Alice kissed my neck, "yes, it is true wolf." Leah smirked, "so you can get Bella pregnant I do hope you used protection when you mated." I froze and Leah burst out laughing, "oh Bella you are screwed and apparently in the best sort of way."

Alice purred and I turned to her, "you saw this coming didn't you?" Alice smirked, "first time we met. Jasper could stop my feelings but he could not stop my visions." I blushed and Alice wrapped her arms around me. "Okay love birds we get it," I turned to Leah. "Wait how are you not so touchy feely needing to be close to Heidi?"

Leah smirked, "not everyone is a sex filled Siren that has unsociable habits." I blushed and Alice purred loudly, "I quite enjoy it though a week and a half of sex is amazing."

"A WEEK AND A HALF!" Emmett yelled and we turned to man, "what did you think we were doing for that time period?" I asked and Emmett stared at us in shock. "What- How-"Emmett stuttered over his questions and I raised an eyebrow, "Leah may be a pain in the ass but she is correct about the unsociable habits and Alice is my Mate so naturally she'd be able to keep up with me."

Emmett just stared and Alice growled, "don't ask your next question Emmett you will not like the answer." Emmett shut his mouth and then Rosalie shook her head, "I think I know the question." Alice smirked, "oh trust me he would be the only one that doesn't like the answer."

Rosalie grabbed Emmett, "we are going down the beach for a walk." Rosalie dragged Emmett out and I turned to Alice, "what was the question?" I asked and Alice smirk deepened, "he wanted to know how big I was." I purred and cuddled into her neck wrapped my legs around her waist. "Do you want to answer that question?" Heidi asked but I just growled.

"Sorry Princess," Heidi said and Alice turned to me. "So that's why Charlie always called up Princess... but he was..." I looked up at Alice, "a half breed like me but Half Human Half Vampire. I'm going to miss Charlie but I did say he is welcome in Volterra whenever he wants to visit especially if he brings the ice cream for the blood shakes."

Everyone looked at me in confusion, "oh so it's blood mixed with ice cream." Everyone made a disgusted face, "and this is why I need more half vampire friends." Leah splashed me, "well soon you will have your own special little half vampire friend but she will be related to you and ¾ Vampire."

I blushed and Alice purred. "Hey Alice, you can see the future, right?" Leah asked and Alice looked up at the wolf, "yes." Leah smirked, "is it going to be a girl or boy?" Alice stayed silent but kissed up my neck. I purred and I hear Alice speak, "the future is never sent in stone."

"I vote girl," Jane said and Chelsea smirked, "I'll take that. It's a boy defiantly."

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