Chapter 12

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"They're not going to like that," Grover warned. "They'll think you're impertinent."

I poured some golden drachmas in the pouch. As soon as I closed it, there was a sound like a cash register. The package floated off the table and disappeared with a pop!

"I am impertinent," I said. "Come on, We need a new plan."

3rd person POV

As Lou Ellen slept, Percy and Grover looked around the warehouse for supplies, seeing as they had lost theirs in the blown up bus. They found roughly 30 dollars and 15 drachmas.

They stepped out of the building to the lawn, which was surprisingly well kept. Looking at the statues, Percy felt sympathy towards the victims. Innocent people who had fallen victim to Medusa's gaze. It was heartbreaking.

They stepped back into the house, when Grover said he needed to sleep. It was still dark out, so they both went in.

It was nearly dawn when Percy felt it, many immortals- most likely monsters, heading towards and surrounding their position. He immediately woke Grover and tried but failed to wake Lou Ellen.

It seemed the sedative in the food was very potent. It was up to two of them to fend off whatever was after them and keep Lou safe.

Everything went quiet, Percy drew riptide and Grover had his Reed pipes in hand.All of a sudden, monsters broke in through the windows of the room, causing glass to rain down in the room. Quickly, Percy made a shadow to drag the sleeping Lou out of range of the falling glass shards.

Glancing around, Grover saw that they were surrounded by different types of monsters. Empousai, hellhounds, dracenae, skeletons holding weapons of different times, all against one demigod and a satyr. He gulped.

Out of the horde of monsters, Mrs Dodds walked out with a snarl on her lips. She stared down the two who were in the middle of the monster trap.

"Stand down and come with me, perhaps, you can be granted a quick death by my master" She said.

Percy just spat on the floor in her direction, basically telling her to piss off.

"Attack". She screeched at the monsters in the building.

Within seconds, everywhere became chaotic. Monsters charged the two boys from all directions, causing Grover to start blowing furiously on his pipes,resulting in different plants erupting in different places within the monster horde. This caused monsters to tumble and fall into one another.

Percy on the other hand was a force of destruction. He was cutting down monsters without thinking. If you looked closely, you could see that his eyes had a dull silverish glow to it. He cut off the head of a dracenae before stabbing a hellhound and hitting a skeleton in the ribs with the pommel of riptide. Immediately, he turned and swiped his sword through the midsection of an empousai.

The ground of the warehouse which was sparkling clean became filled with monster dust, guts and plant remains.

After some minutes, all the remaining monsters suddenly turned to black dust. Percy and Grover looked around surprised, until they both saw Mrs Dodds, holding the sleeping form of Lou Ellen in her scaly grip.

Seeing this pushed Percy over the brink over, in a split second he had his trident out and sailing towards the fury who was flapping her wings in the air.

Before the trident could reach her, she shimmered and appeared in another corner of the room.

"If you want to see her again", She said, "you know where to come to". With that she disappeared, taking Lou along with her.

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