Chapter 1: Dreams of Beginning

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New Orleans, Louisiana June 14 2009
St. Charles Graveyard
"Come on Fae. It's been 5 years since your mother died. You have to let go sometime now."father said with despair in his eyes. "How can you say that father? Don't you love her anymore?!" I angrily replied. "I didn't say that."Father had his regret face on "It's just you just have to deal with the fact that she gone." My heart broke when I heard him say that. Tears flowed over my face. "Never." The vow I made that day, is one I'll never forget. Even though, to be honest, I forget a lot of things. Who doesn't?As he walks to the car he says "Come on. School starts soon." Ugh. If this was he so called 'attempt' to get me to leave, then nice try b**ch. He knows that I hate school. Unlike my friend Gretel, who gets goosebumps just by hearing the word school. She and her twin Hansel are the smartest kids in the ENTIRE school!'s mostly Gretel. Cough,cough. She was there when we got the news. She helped me deal with the loss. Well.....some of the loss at least. She's been there for me through everything. Dealing with mother's loss was difficult for a young girl. Everyone kept on asking me How are you doing or Are you alright? Why does that have to always be the same stupid question?! Why can't they just leave me alone?!!!! Why can't the whole freakin world just leave me ALONE!!! No one can understand this feeling. No one. Not my dad, not my friends and especially not the freakin guidance counselor. No one can feel my pain. Well... until I met him. His name is Byron. He is the only one who sort of new how it feels. He lost his dad the same way. No clues, no witnesses, no leads. Just pure anger and sorrow. Byron is just a few months older than me. I've known him ever since seventh grade. We've been buds ever since. Just between you and me he is kinda cute. I walked back to car just to find my dad sleeping in the driver's seat. Typical men. Not a care for anything. Today's my sixteenth birthday. Sweet sixteen? More like sh*tty sixteen. Mom was already planning my party then. She wanted to rent this ball room at some five-star hotel. I was gonna wear a big blue fancy-schmancy ball gown with see through shoes. What am I Cinderella? Actually, then it didn't sound like a bad idea. Now.....this close to her death anniversary, it would just be too painful. There will be no parties, nor any stupid celebrations like Presidents' Day till this case has been solved. I mean, no offense, but it's just Presidents' Day. School starts in like 15 minutes. I think. When I entered middle school, I joined any club that has to do with solving cases. As in literally anything. Now I'm in high school. I am a freshman with news opportunities and stuff. Well might as well get ready for the worst...year...ever. Which is every year.

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