Chapter 8: Best Party Ever!!!

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"Hello girls. Just came by to greet my new step-mother." Gretel looks at Alexia with fire in her eyes. "Oh....And you too Hansel." "Its......GRETEL , Alexia. That's my-" At this point I could see Gretel's face turn blood red. "Right........ So are you going to Bryon's party? Oh, wait your not invited." I just realized too! I can't go to the party without my friends. Hmm.... Maybe I can ask Bryon If they can come I'll text him now. 5 seconds later. He said yes! "Yes, she is invited." I told Alexia with the same snooty tone she used. I show her the phone. "Read it and weep, Alexia." "Ugh!!!! Fine whatever. Bye nerds." I am seriously gonna suggest having this home blessed again. Clearly it's not cause Alexia can walk through. Mean? That's actually nice......for her. "Thank goodness she's gone. Wait I'm invited to Bryon's party?" "Damn right, sister." Gretel jumped for joy. She immediately ran up to her bedroom closet to find an outfit. Even though the party's 2 hours away. I found my phone on the table and just went home. I texted Aura about the party cause Byron said she could come too. Best party ever so far isn't it.
2 hours later
I arrived at Bryon's place.. It so huge!!! Is this the right address?! I didn't know he lived in a mansion. That is one of the surprises that I love about him. I ring the doorbell. I could all ready hear the loud, awesome music. Also crowds of people shouting "Jug! Jug! Jug! Jug!". After about 10 minutes of ringing the doorbell, Byron opens the door. "Fae! Welcome to the party. Nice dress." Awww..... He noticed my outfit. "Thanks, B looking good yourself." I entered the house. I could see Aura and Gretel dancing the butts off on the disco floor. Yea, that's right. Disco floor. I approach my somewhat sober friends. "Hey guys." I told them. "Nice party huh?" "Yea Fae! Woohooo!!!!" Gretel says as she runs across the place like a sugar rushed child. "Totally sick sista!" Aura says as she is about to faint. She did faint, but someone caught her. I couldn't see who it was cause I was too busy chatting around. I rushed to her and the person who caught her was..Kale?! Ugh. Of course he was invited. Stupid Bryce. "Aura oh my gosh, are you okay?" She was sleeping in Kale's arms safely, so I was relieved. Except for the part with Kale. I turned back to take a seat when I see Bryon and Alexia talking. I tried to avoid looking at them, when all of a sudden I heard them arguing. Hmmm, interesting. "Are you serious Alex. You slept with him?! I can't believe you. That's it we're through." Do my ears deceive me? Is this really happening?! Yes! Yes! Yes! Finally he's single. i walk up to him and say "Everything all right here? I heard shouting. "Yea everything's fine." I could obviously tell that it's not. I know him that well at least. "Come on, you can tell me." Bryon sighs. "Alexia cheated on me with some guy named Marco. So I broke up with her." I was trying so hard not to grin. "That's terrible." I told him. He started walking away. Then I made a big mistake. I said "Byron?" "Yeah.?" he said. "Byron....I love you."Bryon's face looked surprised. Then he smiles a heart warming smile. "Will you go out with me?" I ask him back. And he says "Thought you'd never ask."

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