"Plz get up..Iiittsss Urgenttt" Sai was making many attempts to wake Virat up.
"Huh...is it time? Lemme grab the bab.." he said panicking only to earn a frustrated groan from sai.
"Oh God! Virat..this is just 7th month..still its 2 months left for the date" and saying she started laughing loudly at her husbands condition a while ago.
"But didn't the book said it can be premature delivery in case of twins, did it?" Virat asked still confused.
Yes, Sai was carrying twins in her womb.
"So why were u waking me up..at.."He said tired. "2 a.m.?..Really Sai 2a.m." Virat said in disbelief while looking at the clock.
"Hehe.."Sai grinned sheepishsly and hugged Virat. "I want an ..no.. two .. twoo Ice-creams." she demanded in her most cute , innocent voice.
"At 2 a.m. and that too at this cold. No.." Virat refused .
And why not,it was December cold and sai ,pregnant with Twice, was demanding Ice-cream..that to two. And as a fact, she gets cold very easily.
"Plz Virat.. i dont want to eat..but your two munchkins..they are so notorius.." Sai said with faking cry.
"But its not safe for your health.. u know u attract cold like magnet attracts a nail. Moreover .." he could not complete as Sai started sobbing.
"I..I know.. Now that i am fat u dont.. love me like ..u did earlier ... u r ..very bad..".Sai said sobbing ."See ..ur papa is very bad.. but dont worry once u both come in this world ..i will alone take care of u " She talked to her babies. "Unlike ur papa.." glaring Virat.
"Ah.. t.v. serials need to be stop in this house .." Virat growled under his breadth. "How about a chocolate ..Kit - kat and Dairy Milk? Ur fav. " He said in order to divert her mood.
"No. We want only ice creams .. if u dont want to give..then i will go and .. buy for my babies." Sai said determined.
"First, its our babies. " he said making Sai roll her eyes.
"Second, u won't go anywhere." Virat continued while sai looked at him with wide eyes.
"Third, i will get u the ice creams ..but not the whole two cups ..u will eat only half. " Sai eyes twinkled.
" And will eat here under the blanket ..not in balcony..its windy.. Deal?" Virat suggested.
He knew Sai always likes eating whole cups that too two ,as per her backup theory, in balcony.
Sai gave a 440 volt smile with countless nods making virat chuckle at her antics.
"So.. strawberry and choclate chip one." Sai told her choice.
Virat gave a sweet peck to sai and left with a smile.
"Saa...." virat said excitedly. "iii.." his voice became from excited to shock or low.. like a fuski bomb..He ran towards sai..as she was sobbing near the window. He kept the cups beside and hugged her tightly .. making her more sob..
"Shh.. what happened Sai? Is ur stomach acheing?..Shall i call doctor.." Virat said worriedly.
Sai refused by her gesture.. "am very bad na?" She said making Virat confused.
He started rubbing her back.
"No u r the best .. the best daughter, best DIL, best wife and best to-be-mumma. " Virat said consoling her.
"No..Am not.. see ..u came so late from ur duty ..u were so tired and i ..i woke u up just for those icecreams. U were worrying for our children but me.. i was hell bend for ice creams knowing my health. Still u went for me..but me..