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saturday afternoon, charming, california

hunter trager lived by his own rules. he did what he wanted, when he wanted, and he didn't care how anyone felt about that. well, maybe his fiance, but even then, she was an old lady. and his old lady knew better than to question him. and so, he woke up whenever he wanted that day, his pounding headache reminded him of the fun night he'd previously had. drinking, smoking, eating good food with good friends, with a great girl in his lap, that was the shit he lived for. that's what made all the bullshit he dealt with on a day to day basis worth it. well, that and the money he was bringing in. hell, he'd never thought in his life he'd live in a house like this. however, since that warehouse went up in flames, he wasn't a hundred percent sure how much would be coming in, and when. 

with the club in mind, he was surprised his phone wasn't blowing up by now, it had to have been past noon. when he finally found his phone, in his pants pocket from the night before, thrown on the bathroom floor, he realized he was wrong. the man was just such a heavy sleeper, and his phone was two rooms over on vibrate, he had missed several texts and calls from his mc brothers. he shook his head as he tried to navigate what was happening, and when he read the word "studio" his face fell. god damn lina : she lied to him. 

as much as he loved his girl, she was a headstrong little thing. but hey, that's why he loved her, right ? he tried to keep that in mind as he quickly got dressed, trying to calm down before he headed out. he hated the way he could go from having a perfectly fine morning to his blood boiling, but what he hated most was taking that shit out on julina. she was his dream girl, always had been. and she was the only person he'd ever known to put up with his shit. maybe that's why he treated her the way he did, but at least he always made it up to her. she had whatever she wanted, all thanks to him. he'd kill for that woman, but he really hoped he wouldn't have to bust some skulls in today for her. 

when hunter finally pulled up to the dance studio, he couldn't help but notice all the broken glass on the sidewalk, and all the other bikes lined up. he was almost embarrassed this happened to his bride to be and he was the last one there. and for what ? because he wanted to get some extra winks of sleep ? god, was he going to have to dig himself out of this one.  "what the fuck happened here ?" he approached his father, who'd been standing outside with a furrowed brow. "where's lina ? she's okay ?" he followed up, his voice a bit more frantic. 

"she's fine, inside with unser." tig sighed, nodding his head toward the door. as hunter made his way inside, he noticed all the gunshot holes in the walls, all the trophies broken on the floor ; he didn't even want to think about who did this, right now he needed to focus on julina. she was probably broken up about this, and well, he was right. she'd been standing in her office, or ehat was left of it, with unser, and surprisingly, jax. "baby, my god, i'm sorry i slept in. i didn't realize, why didn't you wake me ?" he questioned, realizing maybe now wasn't the time to go pointing fingers. this wasn't her fault, but boy did it feel like his. hunter was known to be a hothead, he had more enemies than friends at this point. if this was retaliation, it could've easily been his fault. but, he wasn't going to admit that right now, though he was sure it was already on everyone's minds. 

all lina could do was sniffle and nod, she was still in so much shock. if this happened while she was here, or aurora, this could have very well been a murder scene. though for her, something did die ; her lifelong dream, all her hard work. she had nothing to show for it, hell they even took her laptop, she had no way of communicating to the board at nationals, or to the families of her students. she would have to close up shop for months to get this place back up and running. "it's okay," she started, "jax was here." she looked to the blonde biker on her left, before meeting eyes with her fiance. sure, maybe she should've left that out, but it was true. jax was really there for her today, she could tell he was really worried and cared for her. it was comforting, to know someone cared so much. not to say she didn't have people that cared, but to know jax did, it just felt different. more important, even. 

"thanks, brotha'." hunter let his hand pat jax's shoulder, something that drove the vice president mad. if there wasn't already so much shit going on, he'd knock trager's lights out. the tension in the room was so thick, if unser didn't clear his throat and speak up, julina would've out right cringed. "you boys want to meet us down at the station ? gotta get a statement from our tiny dancer here. see what's missing." thank god, lina thought, shooting unser a soft smile. "i'll be okay, really." she met eyes with hunter, who wasn't so convinced. "i can drive myself back to t.m. promise."

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