Part 2

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Jungkook: Shitttttt I did wrong. She didn't knew it and I yelled at her.
(He said while massaging his temples. He was about to call your name. But instead of taking your name he heard a call for him from the kitchen).
Y/N: Kook go and get freshen up I will set the table and let's have dinner.
(He frowned and saw you putting food on the dining table. He came to you and hold you by the shoulder).
Jungkook: I'm sorry.
Y/N: You don't have to apologize it's my fault. I should have someone before doing this. But from now I won't do anything by own. Go have your dinner I am tired let me sleep.
Jungkook: What about you?
Y/N: I am not feeling well you can have it.
(You said and leave from there. You went to your room and change your clothes and Jungkook also went to the washroom . After sometime you heard a little knock on your door you got up and saw Jungkook entering your room with a tray of food in his hand. He put the food on the table and came to you).
Jungkook: Mrs. Choi told me you didn't had anything since the afternoon.
Y/N: Why do you care?
(You said with a cute pout he chuckled and came to you and sat on the corner to the bed).
Jungkook: I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you.
(And that the point you lost. You are trying to act mature but now you started crying and whining like a little kid).
Y/N:  But you did. I was so excited to see you after a week and even to meet Minji Unnie but you....
(He chuckled and hugged you and you started crying in his chest just like a little kid who got scolded from her mom. He pat your back and gave you his handkerchief to you and you clean your tears and running nose).
Jungkook: Now go and wash your face and let's have dinner. My stomach is growling I haven't ate anything from the morning.
Y/N: Really? Just wait here I am coming just in a second.
(After you coming back both of you had your food with eachother. And after having food you took the dishes to the kitchen and started washing them).
Jungkook: Why you are doing this Mrs. Choi or other maids will do it.
Y/N: Let them sleep they also did alot of work.
(You took the towel and dried your hands after washing the dishes. The whole time he was sitting next to you).
Y/N: Are you free tomorrow?
Jungkook: Yeah I guess.
Y/N: Perfect let's go Busan to visit Mom and Dad they are also waiting for you.
Jungkook: Okay.
Y/N: Great let's sleep now we have to wake up early tomorrow.
Jungkook: Yeah good night.
(He said and about to walk to his room. But his steps stop as something hits him).
Jungkook: Come with me I have something for you.
(He said you nodded and started following him as an obedient kid. Both of you reached his room and he told you to wait and went to his suitcase and took out a gift box and came to you).
Jungkook: Here take your gift.
Y/N: For me?
Jungkook: Yeah open it I have one more thing but first open this.
(He said and started unwrapping the box. When you opened it there's a cute avocado plushie inside it. You hugged it so tightly).
Y/N: Is it for me? I love it.
Jungkook: My pleasure.
Y/N: So what's the another thing?
Jungkook: Turn around.
(He said and you did. And you felt something on your neck. You touch it and it's a pendent. You frowned and instantly turned to face Jungkook).

 You frowned and instantly turned to face Jungkook)

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Y/N: Wohhhhhh It's pretty.
Jungkook: You know what I saw this and  it reminds me of you that's why I brought this.
Y/N: But it's so expensive I can't take this.
Jungkook: I don't know anything. I brought this for you if you don't want to take this then throw I don't care.
Y/N: Okay I will take this.
Jungkook: Now go and sleep you have to leave early tomorrow.
In the morning:
After having your breakfast both of you started heading to his parents house. You reached there and they got surprised and welcomed both of you. His mom and dad are so lovely to you. They always treat you like their kid).
Jk's Mom: So kids how life is going?
Y/N: It's going well mom.
Jk's Mom: Ohhh I almost forgot.
(His mom said both of you looked at her).
Jungkook: What mom?
Jk's dad: Actually Sehun is also here.
Jungkook: Why he is here?
Y/N: Dad don't mind me asking but who is Sehun.
..........: Jungkook's favourite cousin.
(Somebody said while coming through the main door. You looked at Jungkook and he wasn't looking happy at all. Although you can say his face is looking totally different while looking at him. That person came close to you and put his hand in front of you).
Sehun: Hey myself Sehun. Sorry I couldn't make to your wedding because of some business stuffs.
Y/N: Hehe it's alright myself Y/N nice to meet you Sehun oppa.
(You smiled and he also. Then he looked at Jungkook who is looking a total different person now. He went to him and hugged him so tightly).
Sehun: So how's you brother?
(He asked but instead of replying him Jungkook pushed him a little).
Sehun: Btw how's Minji?
(He asked while raising his eyebrow).
Jungkook: None of your concern.
Sehun: So Y/N what you do?
Y/N: I am third year medical school student.
Sehun: That's impressive.
(He said and you put your hair behind your ear).
Sehun: I have some work in Seoul so I will live with you guys for some days. I hope you won't mind.
Jk's mom: They won't you can live with them without any hesitation.
Y/N: Yes Oppa mom is right.
Sehun: Thanks you Y/n you are so good and thank you too Jungkook.
(You went to the kitchen with your mother in law and started cooking with her. Jungkook's dad is on a important call and Jungkook and Sehun is in the living room).
Sehun: So how's your girlfriend?
(He said while smirking and Jungkook shrugged and started speaking).
Jungkook: I warned you to stay away from me and Minji.
Sehun: Okay then I will get close to your wife she seems nice.
(He said and get up from the couch and went to the kitchen).
In the kitchen:
He entered the kitchen and saw you cooking with Jungkook's mother.
Sehun: Aunt why are you working so hard let me help Y/N. You go and take rest for a while.
Jk's mom: Sure then I will set the table.
(His mom said and leave the kitchen. You and Sehun are talking and laughing with eachother. He is taking to you very politely and you guys are kinda having fun time while cooking. But suddenly Jungkook entered the kitchen. You smiled at him and he also gave you a little smile and stand beside you).
Y/N: Here say Ahhhh and tell me how's it?
(You said while giving a bite to Jungkook. He took the bite).
Jungkook: Wohh it's awesome.
Y/N: Yesss!!!.
Sehun: Can I taste that too?
Y/N: Sure oppa say ahhh.
(Then you fed him also).
Sehun: Wow Y/N you did well.
(He praised you and you blushed a little).
Jungkook: Let's have dinner we have to leave also.
Just tell me how's this one 💜😚🌙

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