Chapter 8

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I hope everything will work, I don't want to create any mess and moreover, I don't want to hurt New.

Will he remember me ever? Or at least be friends with me. I don't know what to think more.

I'll just follow my group unless I feel it's going out of my hand.


Third-person POV -

The next day all went to Gun's place, to meet his father. His father is one of the committee members and major shareholders.

A few years back it was Gun who requested his father for a special class, they didn't want to get mixed up with the annoying students who praise or bully them just because they are wealthy.

They all are from wealthy families and had a bad experience with those gold diggers except Tay.

Tay had only one friend that is Krist (other than his childhood crush) till he met his gang's other members. It was he who introduced Krist to them.

It happen when a few students tried to bully Gun and Nicky when they noticed that Arm is not with them, ask them for their money. Tay was waiting for Krist at that time and he saw that. He approached those guys and asked them to leave.
At that time those guys leave without saying anything. But after some time, they came back with their friend to hit Tay.

They were 30 or something, he fail to count in between throwing punches on them. At the end of the fight, he won without getting any scratch on him. That's when the student's declared him as a leader and his gang as wolves gang.

Honestly, if you ask them, they hardly go and start a fight. Still, because of that one time fight, he got that reputation.

Gun's parents know the reason for them asking for the special classes back then. That's why when this time he asked his dad he want to continue with normal lectures, his dad got surprised.

All boys were sitting on the couch looking at him.

Gun's dad- "why?"

Gun - "because you won't be there always to protect, we have to learn it on our own"

(The answer which Arm made him memories, last night)

Still confused he looks at Gun and then at Krist then again at Gun and then at Arm

Gun's dad - "who among two of you told him to say that?" Asked while leaning back on the couch.

Krist shook his head so do Nicky.

Dad look at Arm and he started feeling tense.

Gun, Nicky and Krist pointed their fingers towards Arm. Tay laughed.

Arm on the other and tried to lower his friend's fingers, smiling awkwardly.

Gun's dad laughed too. This boy, he shook his head in disbelieve.

Gun's dad - "it's ok son, you are teaching him good things. I am not mad just curious"

Then he got up, and everyone else followed his gesture.

When Gun noticed that his dad had yet to permit him.

Gun - "is that mean I can't join the normal class?"

Gun's dad - "of course not, you are trying to do something on your own. I am happy "

The smile bloomed on the boy's face.

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