Part 8

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Veronica listened for the sounds coming from the living room for second hour in a row. The sofa wasn't that comfortable, but she figured it was big enough to him and his wings. It was one of the odd things Robert had bought for her mother, when his business had gone better – a chillingly modern huge lounging sofa so his mom could enjoy the future. The reality, however, proved him wrong for the woman refused to sit on it, describing it to be as big as her old apartment and too uncomfortable for her antiquated backside. Which always confused Veronica, because she couldn't remember ever hearing about Isilia living anywhere aside this old farm. She thought her ex-mother-in-law had inherited the place without ever leaving there. Robert refused to take it away, for he'd paid a lot of money for it, and she refused to sit on it, covering it up with all the scarfs she could find in the household.

But now, listening him creating his own version of wheel in there, she wanted nothing more to toss that thing out. It didn't squeak, but each time Bascun turned on it, it shifted and moved and it was very loud in otherwise quiet house.

She let out an exasperated sigh. The man needed to sleep! She doubted he'd got any sitting in the corner of the library, waiting to be discovered by the guard. Then why wasn't he sleeping now? He should be exhausted!

She pushed the blanket off, regretting loosing the warmth of it, but him going turbine wasn't helping her to sleep. It was a quirk of hers whenever she visited the place. Being with someone, who could pass away while you were asleep kind of did that, made you aware of every sound around you, or lack of it. She didn't fear it, thinking it would make her only sad like any other passing of a close one, but she still preferred to deal with it on her own terms, like moving in the room with her, or offering vigil.

Be as it may, Isilia was far from leaving her life as it was and Bascun was driving her nuts with the constant rolling.

She patted through the bedroom, quietly opened the door and sneaked over the living room floor to the back of the sofa. She peeked over it, her heart thrumming so loud she was sure she herself would wake him up.

Bascun had folded his arms over his chest while he'd settled on his right side, his head resting on pillow. His lower half was covered with the blanket she'd offered, but it was too short and his long feet reached far off from the gigantic sofa. He'd taken off his boots together with the socks and she stared at the odd-looking toes that kept curling and relaxing as if trying to catch on something. They were longer than humans, pointier and had talons. Not long ones, but unclipped and sharp-looking. They matched with his wings, which he'd spread all over the floor behind him.

"You should be asleep." She bristled, knowing he had open his eyes and was watching her observations in silence.

"I can't." He whispered. "Too much in my mind." He unwrapped his hands and pulled his palms over his face while stretching and slumped back on his side. "I messed up, big time."

"You'll mess up ever more if you don't get any sleep." It was stupid thing to say, but she was getting cranky with her own sleepless night. He looked as if she'd slapped him. She reached him her hand before he could think more. "Come and tell me about it." She offered, when all she really wanted to do was to get back to sleep. He frowned and was about to refuse, but she interrupted him. "No weird meetings on the street, no drunken phone calls, nothing you don't want, remember?" She reminded him of their earlier conversation and it seemed to do the trick.

He shifted and let himself to be pulled on his feet before she led him to her bedroom. A quick glance at Isilia showed she was still asleep in her chair. It was awkward, she understood his hesitation, but the old marriage bed was good enough to allow them to lay down while she listened, because she really didn't want to go on a walk or sit in the kitchen right now. Her body was tired and she gathered so was his, so to let at least their bodies to rest, that seemed the best option. Besides, they were both too tired to do anything else.

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