Part 1

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It was once brought to her attention that falling off the face of the Earth would be a bad thing. It had been her ex husband and she couldn't agree with him more. They often had their disagreements, but this happened to be the only thing they both agreed upon and that made her feel even worse of a human being. He'd really meant "don't go nutty on me" and thus the only reason she agreed – she had no intentions going insane after all his attempts to get him a lovely bolstered room all to her own.

That hadn't prepared her to face whatever the thing was that was curling itself open in front of her, behind the pile of boxes labeled neon lights and light bulbs that were not supposed to even exist after the laws pulled them off the racks five years ago to extinguish them from ...

For goodness sake! She cocked her K100 and hoped her hands weren't shaking too much to turn her into an utter fool against what looked like a highly paid killer with his velvet black suit jacket and silky shirt shining against limited light coming in from the street light at late time of the day. Or was it some kind of jewelry that kept blinking like Christmas sparkly decorations? They never got them off the posts, when holidays ended and often switched them on way too early.

He moaned, heavily and started pushing up from the floor with his back towards her. She couldn't be sane anymore, she decided, nodding with agreement with herself, for despite his ultra modern backside and black high fashion jeans, the fact that his ass also supported huge bat like wings made her inside attempt a quick getaway. She cocked the gun and lowered it a bit. It wasn't easy to hold the two pounds on the tip of her hands and it was starting to tire her out.

He heard it, for suddenly he was jig straight and she could have sworn she saw his ears move a little, as if scanning the area. He turned around slowly. He was carrying something on his face and now it beamed into the light as if it was important. It was striped vertically with dark lines that seemed to fade together with his short hair cockily brushed upwards. He had large sunglasses and two frowning eyebrows that matched with the well kept extended goatee. I was dealing with a delinquent, who had just got out of his teens, I realized with desperation flooding through me. Someone, who was still too attached to his facial hair!

"You look surprised?" he started with a chuckle, but it was empty like barrel echoing.

This wasn't a teenager, thank god! She pulled the gun higher again, supporting the right hand with her left. She felt the despair spiraling through her body – she couldn't even hold it straight!

He raised his hands higher, indicating he wasn't gonna attack – which she didn't believe for a second – and she felt another lash of cold run down her spine as that move revealed two guns of his own hidden on the sides of his large bust under his jacket.

"Oh shit!" she let out a gasp. This was not her day!

"Easy, girl, I don't bite!"

So much of her fear, she guessed, sensing sudden cold air brush off the last of her fear and she pushed her back straight, raising the gun with it. It must have shown, because he took a step back, touching the pile of boxed behind him.

"Not a girl, not for you." She backed up until she reached the door of this warehouse room and searched the switch with the back of her hand. The lights came on and he adjusted his stand. The sudden movement surprised her and she slammed back into the wall, grabbing hold of her right hand, desperate to control it's shivering.

At least he was playing along, keeping his hands up and waiting patiently. "Could you please put the safety on?"


"You could accidentally shoot me."

"Wouldn't be so bad!" She murmured, staring past his face and at the wings that were now in full view, neatly packed behind him with knuckles only little higher than his shoulders.

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