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Maceven wakes up after a cryptic dream that I won't bother explaining. Long cryptic dream short someone told him to "break free of the bonds of beast" which might make sense later. So Maceven walks past the sleeping Mack and thinks," Is Mack the 'beast'?" So Maceven grabs his knife and makes a lunge. Mack disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. Next Maceven hits the floor with a muffled voice saying," Last mistake." --Some time later-- Maceven wakes up bound by leather strips. His vision is still foggy but he sees a humanly figure that says," I gave you everything. A house, food, water, what else? And you try to kill me. Goodbye, Maceven...forever." The figure now recognized as Mack pulled a lever and a latch under Maceven opened causing him to plummet. From the height of the fall a normal person would have died, but he didn't. When he landed he saw two skeletons. One had his mom's ultra-unique necklace. Maceven put two and two together. In a rage, Maceven bursted through the room that was about 50 ft high. Hundreds of guards readied fire but the guns did nothing. Mack knew and feared this. His powers have activated. Maceven was now next to Mack, holding him in a suspended grip. " IT ENDS NOW," Maceven does one of two things.

Ending 1: Maceven snaps his fangs on Mack's neck, draining him dry.

Ending 2: Maceven kisses Mack and knocks him out and takes him as his boyfriend. THE END

------ So guys you can end in a vampire feeding or a gay romance. VERY different. ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2013 ⏰

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