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Maceven woke up in a cave, only accessible by swimming or submarine. A pale man his age looked over him and said," Oh,good you're awake." Maceven started to sit and moaned in pain. Pale figure says," Whoa, whoa. Easy there. You were out for awhile and we aren't rushing you." Maceven asked who the pale figure was. " I am known by many names so you call me Mack." "Where am I ?" Maceven asked. "I knew you would ask that. This I my and now your cave..." "HEY!" Maceven screamed." What do you mean my cave?" Mack replied " Do you want to leave? Fine. How long can you tread water? We are about a near 5 million miles from land. So good luck and I'll be here when you come swimming back!" Maceven said," Sorry where do I stay?" Mack leaving to his room says,"The only other room, genius!" He laughed as he knew daytime rose and he dozed off in his bed.

Story of MacevenWhere stories live. Discover now