1. A spark

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Primary school. Twas a rough time for young Lucas, year 2.

8 year old Lucas was enjoying his youth, running around the front yard. The icy breath of the low temperatures biting ferociously at his cheeks, resulting a dark red tint glowing on the lower half of his face. as he ran past the colourful 'Friendship Bench', he was sweeped off his feet by the small rectangular base locking the base to the floor. With the impact of the sudden holt, his upper body hunched over, hurtling him to the floor. As his face came closer and closer the ground, he prepared for the inevitable impact of the cold, cobbled stones to meet roughly with his face. He squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the sharp burn of the cold winters pebbles, but it never came.

A small frail hand laced itself around his wide hips embracing him safely, away from the sharp rocks of the frosty, ice-like floor. When the impact never came, Lucas slowly opened his eyes to see a bright brown eyes of hazelnut staring back at him filled with concern and worry for startled child.

"Are you alright?" The mystery boy spoke, with a voice softer that the spring air, able to instantly sooth the youngling.

"Yeah get off me." Lucas responded, as he violently shoved his saviour off him, in hopes of also shoving off the strange tingling in his lower stomach.

"Well your mean." The unknown male spoke, as he let his arm rest by his side again. That's when Lucas noticed the group of 5 other boys behind his saviour, but he couldn't take his eyes of the stunning one that was before him.

"Yeah well I don't even know you!" Lucas yelled defensively, the tingly feeling ever-growing.

"Well I don't like you anymore then. What's your name?" He continued, peering into Lucas' eyes, effortlessly making the others heart spin in his stomach.

"Lucas, yours?"

"Jack," Before Lucas could respond, Jack pushed him onto the floor and towered over him, his practice army standing behind him defensively. "I dont like you, your too mean." Jack then left with the other boys trailing him, each glancing back to give Lucas a dirty look, as he just sat behind the bench, the prettiest boy he'd ever seen had saved him from.

The butterfly's in his stomach, that brought him a happy, floaty feeling, now was replaced with rage that fueled a spark 'Jack' had left him with.

This chapter is really short, so plz gimme some writing advice on how to make my stories longer, also this book is purely a joke and I made because my best friend Megan and I were joking about how her brother and his ex-bully are in an enemies to lovers arc. So yeah plz gimme advice writing advice and no hate cause im a sensitive, teenage bitch with no mental stability.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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