Starting his journey and meeting her

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5 years later
It has been 5 years since Y/n caught Eevee as his partner pokemon. During those 5 years he trained with Eevee to be powerul. She was also given the nickname Lucky.
Double edge
Double kick
Quick attack
Right now it is the night before Ash and him leave for their journey as Delia asked Y/n to go with him to take care of Ash. Ash is currently watching a pokemon battle between Agatha and a trainer wishing to join to the elite four Bruno. That was when his mother came in while his brother was outside training.
Delia:Young man go to sleep. It is already 10pm. You don't want to be late.
Ash:But mom you didn't say that to Y/n plus I want to see the end of this.
Delia:Your brother already has a pokemon and would only be getting a pokedex. You have to get a pokemon.
Ash:Just 5 more minutes please?!
She leaves and after 5 minutes Y/n and Lucky come in and get into their bed.
Y/n:Ash mom told you to go to sleep.
Ash:I am just going to finish watching this match.
Y/n:What ever.
Y/n goes to sleep as Ash continues watching till midnight. He realises that it is Midnight and goes to sleep. Y/n wakes up 1 hour before Ash and heads over to the lab to see three other kids waiting there. He is still waiting as Oak can't wait and let's the others get their pokemon.
Gary:I guess Ash couldn't get up on time. Pathetic!
Y/n:Hey! Shut up!
Gary:Why do-
Ash finally arrives in his pyjamas and he gains his Pikachu. They leave Pallet Town and begin their adventure
Y/n:You really messed up didn't you.
Ash:Don't talk about it. Oh it's a pokemon.
Y/n gets his pokedex to tell them the data.
Pokedex:Pidgey the tiny bird pokemon. A normal and flying type.A common sight in forests and woods. It flaps its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand.
Ash:I am gonna catch it. Go pokeball!
He throws the pokeball as Pidgey gets absorbed but immediately gets out.
Y/n:You have to weaken it first.
Ash:Okay. Pikachu use thundershock!
Pikachu ignored Ash and climbs up a tree. The flying type flies away as Ash looks down disappointed.
Y/n:OK watch me. Lucky go!
His water type companion jumps off her partner's shoulder and they target a small green dinosaur like pokemon that is recognized to be a Bulbasaur.
Y/n:Now watch. Use double edge!
Lucky charges in with a faint glow and collides with Bulbasaur.
Y/n:Now go pokeball!
He throws the pokeball and after three shakes he catches the grass type.
Y/n:There. Now try with that Spearow.
Ash:Okay Pikachu use thundershock!
Pikachu ignores Ash as the rookie trainer gets frustrated and throws a pebble. The bird type looks back passed and flies away before calling his whole Flock.
They begin to run away as the flock gets closer. They find a river that they have no choice but to jump in. However when they jump in Y/n twisted his ankle. Luckily Lucky was there to guide her trainer along the current that they flowed down. They eventually get hauled out by a very pretty girl with orange hair that makes Y/n blush.

???:What happened to you?! Are you okay?!Ash:Yeah I think s-???:Not you your poor pokemon and this trainer

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???:What happened to you?! Are you okay?!
Ash:Yeah I think s-
???:Not you your poor pokemon and this trainer.
Before Ash could retaliate the flock comes back around. Ash quickly gets onto the bike that was with the girl.
Ash:I am borrowing this.
???:Hey come back!
Ash ridea off as the flock gets closer.
Y/n:Lucky use double kick!
The small pokemon rushes into the flock and kicks them all away.
???:Are you okay?
Y/n:Yeah my ankle just hurts. But I am sorry about my brother Ash.
Misty:It's fine don't worry. My name is Misty. Here.
She puts an ice pack onto his ankle as the two of them begin to talk. That was when Misty began to ask a pretty relevant question.
Misty:Your Eevee is adorable and strong.
Y/n:Thanks. I have had her since I was 5.
Misty:That is so c-
They hear a loud explosion sound in the distance as Y/n only says two words.
Y/n:Dammit Ash!
They run off to where the sound came from

Mystical love(Misty x male reader)(rewrite) Where stories live. Discover now