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I won't lie, it's beginning to feel like the days are flying by, Nationals are soon and I can't help but think we have this in the bag
"Alright gang, how are all the routines!" Miss Kate asked
There have been a few that have arisen that Alfie and/or Beth are included in 
"how is the small group?" Miss Kate said looking at us
That would be one of them, it is James, Giselle, West, Alfie and I. The dance is pretty cool I just wish I didn't have to do a lift with Alfie
"It's great" James smiled
"Can we see it?" Beth asked. I know full well Beth knows that routine like the back of her hand. She constantly sits in our practice giving me notes about what I'm doing wrong until James pipes up followed by West then Giselle but never Alfie. 
"Yeah lets!" Miss Kate called making me sigh
I looked at James who nodded before giving my an extra side squeeze before we took to the floor

The rest of the team flooded the room with an applause while we all made our separate ways back into our little circle
"That was brilliant guys, I will say though, Alfie you need to watch your spacing when you all come back into the V" Miss Kate causing me to have to bite my tongue on a snigger
"I think you all should take the rest of the afternoon to work on whatever you'd like. Michelle and Riley could I speak to your in my office please?" Miss Kate said causing my eyes to dart to Michelle who looked just as confused as I did


A couple minutes had passed, Michelle and I were sat in the room waiting for Miss Kate. I watched as each Member of A-Troupe slowly made their way out. James was heading to the Music room for us to work on our Duet when I've finished up here 
"Girlssss" Miss Kate smiled clapping her hands as she came in
We both chuckled as she took a seat in her usual spot
"Nationals is coming up" She said and we all nodded, that wasn't exactly news to us
"You two are the longest running members of A-Troupe, Riley you remain undefeated with your Duets, Michelle you are undefeated with your Solos" Miss Kate continued, when you look at it. I had no idea this was a thing

"You girls are working on being our biggest success stories" She smiled making me look at Michelle with a smile on her face, I took her hand in mind returning the smile
"That is why, You both have been offered a scholarship to study dance abroad over summer! You would leave 3 weeks after nationals!" Miss Kate cheered making me look at Michelle in disbelief
"You joking!" Michelle squealed jumping to her feet as I copied her motions
"No I'm being serious! This is what you girls have been wanting since you were little tots" Miss Kate said allowing Michelle and I to jump around excited before jumping into her arms for a hug

"Riley! Can you believe it!" Michelle practically screamed pulling me into another tight hug as we left the office, it alerted some of the people behind us but who fucking cares
"We're going abroad!" I squealed still jumping about in Michelle's arms
"I can't wait to do this with you!" She smiled, I smiled back shaking our hands
"There isn't anyone I would want to do this with" I said hugging her once more
"Go tell your man" She chuckled finally letting me go
I looked at her one more time with the excitement still growing inside me but my feet soon understood that they needed to move

I headed straight to the music room where the door was open, that wasn't unusual but when I looked inside, my whole world shattered

I looked inside and my gaze was met with the dismay of James kissing another girl..
And not just any girl..


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