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School had become more a burden then ever lately, I wanted to go back to how it was with Riley, I wanted to go back to walking the halls with her on my arm while she blushes at everyone one we see.
But instead, our days are spent apart

Riley spends every waking minute possible in the library, she has a specific booth she'll sit in. It's the one that no-one passing by would be able to see. You have to physically go into the Library to see her
Then I'll spend my days roaming the halls alone, I don't want to hang with the guys because then that takes away the possibility of Riley being able to do so
"Come on man, you are telling me you two haven't spoken in over a week?" Eldon asked me as we walked to dance
"I'm giving her her space" I replied seeing Riley just slightly in front of us
"Whatever it is, it can't be that bad right?" West asked and I sighed watching as Riley's figure disappeared into The Next Step building
"Beth kissed me" I said making both West and Eldon grab me by the hands looking at me
"Excuse me?" Eldon asked obviously annoyed and I mean who can blame him. I'm annoyed at myself too

"It was more of a, Beth cornered me and then it happened. I pushed her away the second I realised it was happening" I said, the boys looked at me and sighed
"no wonder Riley is on a path of destruction" Eldon said and I sighed bowing my head as we walked into Studio A

We walked in to see Riley stretching in the corner while Alfie and Beth sat on the other side of the room looking smug
"What do you think would happen if I just went over and sat with her?" I asked the boys as they put their bags away
"I haven't got a clue" West said, I bit my lip trying to determine if it is was a good idea or not
"Alright team let's get started" Miss Kate called before I could even think through my plan
I glanced over at Riley to see her making her way over
"We are going to run through Let's Dance Tonight, but I want to sub Amanda and Michelle out for Alfie and Beth. I think it ll being a couple routine will push it over the edge" Miss Kate said making everyone nod
I glanced over at Riley who sat there on her own playing with her finger
"alright let's run through this" Miss Kate said as we all got up to our feet 

"Beth, whats the problem? you are the only one who hasn't mastered the lift?" Miss Kate said, we had a move in the routine where the girls flipped us over them. So far everyone could do it Beth
"No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to do it" Beth explained making Riley roll her eyes
"Since she's in centre back why don't we get her to crouch and Alfie can flip over her? Then it'll still look decent and nobody get's injured" Riley offered looking at Miss Kate
"That would work yeah" Miss Kate said before motioning us to get back in our starting position
It's been too long since I last heard her even speak. I glanced over at her to see her avoiding eye contact again


"Well thankyou Riley! That looks so much better" Miss Kate clapped as we came to a finish
Everyone from A-Troupe soon made their own way out, I was about to head out too when I saw Riley still hanging around
I stood there for a moment watching her before I heard some music begin and Riley started to move to it 

"Hey" I said as she came to an end, she looked at me while chewing the inside of her cheek. I hate that me just speaking to her is enough to send her this low
"Hey" She replied looking at me again
"That looked amazing" I replied making a small smile take place on her lips
"Thanks" She replied fiddling with her hands
"what's it for?" I asked, Riley bit her lips before looking up from her hands
"Michelle and I were offered the opportunity to go abroad to study dance this summer" she answered, my breath hitched before a wide smile 
"That is amazing Riley! Congratulations!" I said stepping forwards to pull her into a hug but she was quick to step back instead
"Thankyou" she replied

"I saw the photo's your mum posted. They all turned out beautiful" Riley said making me smile, I nodded knowing what she was talking about
"You know the one for the mantle?" I asked and Riley nodded chewing her cheek again
"It's already up there" I replied allowing the same small smile to play of her lips again
"I've told them about what I did and they are all pissed at me" I replied making her look at me before back to her fiddling fingers
"Why would you do that?" she asked looking back up at me, her big brown eyes dilating a little more as our gaze stayed put
This was the longest we've seen each other in some time
"Because Riley, what I did was so so wrong and I'm not about to sugar coat it. I'll always hold my hands up and admit what I did" I said making her look at me as if trying to decide if I was telling the truth

"Riley are you ready to go?" I heard a voice say, I turned to see a tall brunette stood there. I quickly looked back at Riley who sighed nodding
"I'll be out in a minute Caleb" Riley muttered before looking at me again

"Did you want to work on the Duet tomorrow?" Riley offered, I looked at her and nodded
It was the closest I was going to get to any time with her and who knows maybe I'll hear more about who the hell Caleb is... 
"I'd love to" I replied this time Riley didn't try to hard to hide her smile. It was clear as day as she grabbed her dance bag heading out of the room

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