Hissy Fit

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--------------Amy's Point Of View-----------

I walked down the hall to find the stupid nurses office.I'm only going because my stomach hurts like hell.That stupid girl kicked me in my gut and now I can barely breath.I really didn't wanna go because the nurse is my stupid sister, Anabelle.I swear she's such an air head,just last week she had to get her car checked because she didn't know cars needed oil.They only made her nurse because they think she's hot.I hate that my older siblings work at my school its irritating.

*Lunch Bell Rings*
I make it to the nurses office where I see Anabelle helping a student who obviously got a fake injury just to see her.I walked in and silently closed the door to see this train wreck of a injury."Now remember that you shouldn't try to stick pencils in your nose."Said Anabelle while wiping away the fake blood.Every boy in the school comes to see her and they use lame ass injuries to do it.This guy in here obviously used ketchup for blood and just pretended to put the pencil in his nose."Y-y-yes Miss Kitigakori...I'll be careful next time."Said the pathetic boy I grinned at the site of his humiliation. Why would anyone want to see my slutty sister?The boy then walked towards the door where I was standing and walked out smiling."How sad."I said then Anabelle turned to me.

"OMG,ARE YOU OKAY AMY!"She screamed at me for my well being."Yes I'm fine,but if you keep yelling ,bruises won't be the only reason why I'm here."She sat me down on the patients table to check my bruises."How did this happen?Were you fighting again?"I mugged her and pushed away from her."That's none of your business. I didn't come here to be lectured.Just give me a bandage so I can leave."She grabbed my arm and pull me close to her."Amy I know me and you don't exactly get along since my dad married your mom,but I'm trying to make an effort.I've never really had a sister,but if I wish we could be."She put a bandage on my head and gave me a pill for my stomach pain.I looked away from her and got up from the table then I went to the door."Thanks,I guess."I left out of the room and walked down the hall to my next class.

"So,how is your head Amy."I turned startled by Sora leaning against some lockers with his arms crossed."Shut up,shouldn't you be in class or something?" He got up from the lockers and came towards me."Unlike you I have a hall pass."I snatched it out of his hands and threw it."I never fucking asked about what you had,asswhipe."I walked away from him so I wouldn't have to see his face,but he pulled my arm."Let me go unless you want me to fail school."He grinned at me with disappointing eyes."Amy,why do you always treat others with such hate?It isn't fair to treat people who are just trying to help you."I pulled away from him."First off I don't know what's up with all of you grabbing my arm,but stop it I hate people touching me.Second I act like this because my family is a bunch of idiots.I used to have someone I could look up to until you guys chased her away."Sora then turned to the lockers and punched them.

"Don't you dare make it seem like we made Katsu runway.She was a bad influence and you know it."I put my hood on my head and hands in my pocket.Then I turned away from Sora."It is your fault...it's all of your faults."I walked away down the hall from him.I was upset,upset that the only friend I had was long gone and nowhere to be found.I missed katsu she was my sister.We would do everything thing together to like mess with Sora, go make fun of the other girls in our neighborhood, or just talk to each other.I haven't seen her since my 10th birthday day and I'm 16 now.I started to cry and slid against some lockers to the floor.I remember just the day Katsu left home and to well.

*Flash back*
"Katsu,Katsu its time for my birthday cake."
"I know Amy, but I'm leaving for awhile and I might not be back."
"Katsu,where are you going?You can't Leave I need you."
"I don't know where I'll go,but promise me something."
"What is it?"
"That you'll never let anyone stop you from being who you are.I love you, Amy."
"I love you to,Katsu."
*Flash back ends*
I continued to cry I missed her so badly,but I knew she was gone for good.Though I knew one thing was certain that she wasn't dead.I got up from the floor and wiped away my tears.Then I started walking to class and I came to the door then walked in.I sat down in the far back where no one could see me.I didn't want anyone especially the teacher to see me because I was putting headphones in so I could just forget this horrible day.I tried to find a song that would calm me,but I found nothing yet.I had over 1,000 songs on my phone and none of them could fill the pain in my heart.

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