Doctors Orders

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----------Annabelle's Point Of View----------

"Now where did I put those lollipops?"I said to myself looking for my secret stash of sweets.I was really craving something flavorful, but I couldn't find my strawberry lollipops.*BANG BANG*Someone was at my door,so I went to opened it."Hello,how may I help you."I said after answering the door."GAAAH!"A student at my door moaned."Oh,you look really green.Are you okay little boy?"He pushed me in my spiral chair and came closer to me.I started to blush a little.All the boys in this school started to flirt with me since I've been here.

"This is flattering, but I don't think its okay for us to be doing this."He came closer to my neck and I started to moan,but before he could touch me he was kicked in the face by another student."Don't touch her you sick bastard."The student who kicked the boy to the ground said."Hey,that wasn't very nice of you to do."I said as she rolled her eyes at me."Are you Annabelle Kitigakori?"She asked as I stood up from my chair."Um...yes,it says so on my bra if you wanna see."Her eyes widened and her head faced the ground."J-just come with me,please."The girl grabbed my hand and we ran out the nurses office then down the hall."Hey,where are we going? I can't leave without my medical bag."I said as I pulled away from her.

She stopped and ran back into the room then ran back out with my bag.She grabbed my arm and started running again."Okay,can you please tell me what's going on here?"She makes a sharp turn down a hall.I almost tripped over my own foot.This girl was sure in a hurry."The school is infested with some kind of virus and we have to evacuate right now.Students are biting other students and making them turn into some weird sick people."

I was shocked at what I was hearing,but I didn't want to believe it.Some type of illness is in our school and is effecting kids to bite each other."How does students getting bit by each other count for am evacuation? Also,WHO ARE YOU!?"I screamed from the fact that I was tired from running.We stopped and she looked down two hallways."I'm Nyaomi Murikawa and if you be quiet for 2 minutes maybe I could focus on getting us out of here."

I looked through my medical bag for a lollipop.I think I might have left them in there.I was so nervous I just needed something to calm my nerves."Ugh,its not in here.There's only medicine, bandages, and other crap."I said angered by the lack if sugar in my system."Okay,come on we'll go down this hall."

She pulled my arm and rushed down the second hall."Can you slow down just a little?These heels are too cute to mess up."We stopped at the end of the hall and saw that the school main entrance was blocked by a hoard of students."Annabelle, stay behind me.I'll clear a path to the door all you have to do is run out."I nodded my head in agreement and Nyaomi started to fight off the hoard. She punched each and everyone of the students in the face and kicked them in the stomach.She then leaped in the air and crushed a students skull."OMG,WHAT DID YOU DO!"I screamed at site of this horrific scene.

Nyaomi looked at what she done and noticed something off about the student she killed."Don't worry its not alive.I don't think any of them are alive."She said as she continued to fight them off."How can you be so sure of that?"A path was cleared and I ran as fast as I could.I just tan straight for the door and didn't look back.I saw Nyaomi running on top of everyones heads and running to the door to."We're almost to the door Keep going."Nyaomi said as she leaped down from the students heads onto the floor.

We made it to the door and all I had to do was open it.As we made our wat out Nyaomi ran to our schools baseball field."Nyaomi,this is no time to play games.We can play after we get out of here."I said to her as she picked up a bat and ran back towards."Actually, its a perfect time for me to work on my swing.Wouldn't you agree,Anabelle?"She said to me as she hit everything and everyone in our path."Come on,we have to find Mimi and Sora."Nyaomi said to me looking around for them."Cool,are we gonna play baseball with them to?"I asked excited to play a game with my brother and Nyaomi's friend.

Nyaomi and I made it to the schools black top where we saw Sora and Mimi."Guys,over here I found Anabelle in the nurses office."Nyaomi said to them."Great,now can we get out of here."Said Mimi as she ran to our schools gate to let us out."Yay,let's go I can go to the store and get some lollipops."I said as I ran off the black top to the streets pass Mimi."*Sighs*Can we hurry so your sister doesn't get herself killed?"Said Nyaomi to Sora."Yeah,we better leave this crowds out of control. plus I don't think a bat and a wooden staff is gonna hold them off."Said Sora,so they ran to the gate and Mimi closed it behind them.

"Where are gonna go now?The school is infested and the towns probably the same."Said Mimi scared to death of the situation.Sora and Nyaomi looked at the buildings and had an idea."We'll use the roof of the houses to go to my house."Said Sora and Nyaomi in unison almost as if they were reading each others minds.We headed for the first building and as we climbed up the ladder students from the school broke through the gate and came towards us."Hi,boys were over here."I said to get the cute boys who were in front of everyone else at the school to come my way."Anabelle,are you that stupid?These boys don't want to be your boyfriend they want to kill you."Said Nyaomi with bass in her voice.

I still didn't believe that everyone was out to kill us,but Nyaomi,Sora,and Mimi did so I play along."Okay Nyaomi,What ever you say."I said while rolling my eyes playful as she flipped her hair."Come on,keep moving."Said Sora as we got to the top of the building. We ran jumping from roof to roof which I find hard to believe because I'm in heels and failing gym So,now under pressure I can jump off buildings and onto others."Who's house are we going to?"Asked Mimi as everyone stopped running to think."If we go to my house we can hatch a plan there.Also,we come back out here in this catastrophe my father has hidden weapons in our cellar for protection. He's really over protective."Said Nyaomi so we all agreed and headed for her house.

After a while I was really starting to believe that this whole school virus turns into a race to survive was real.I just hope mom and dad are okay.Plus,oh my gawd I haven't seen Amy since she came to my office.I hope she's somewhere safe for now.Amy hasn't been to right ever since Katsu left and we never heard from her again."Are you alright,Anabelle?Asked Mimi to see if I was alright."Of course I just really wish I has something sweet to eat like a sweet cake,or pudding,maybe ice cream.OMG NYAOMI DO YOU HAVE ANY AT YOUR HOUSE!?"I exclaimed at the site of my sweet tooth craving sugar.

"Maybe,but I'll check when we get to my house.Jump down we're here let's go."Nyaomi said as we jump off the last building and onto the sidewalk of her house."Once we get inside we'll head straight to the basement and suit up,any questions?"Asked Nyaomi."No."Said Mimi and Sora in unison."Um...yeah...I do.When so I get ice cream?"I asked."*sighs*I'll get it later,Anabelle."I smiled as she opened the door to let us in."Yay,I scream,you scream,we all scream ICE CREAM!"

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