Running the Business Corp

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I've been running around this building for hours, my Father is out on a meeting with the Guy from the Technology corp. So I'm in charge of the whole building right now and it's crazy because there's a total of 40 floors in this whole building. Right now I'm in my Fathers office at this current moment going over new Ideas to upgrade technology throughout the World. My Father always loved technology, it was his main focus throughout his 20's. He always wondered how it would receive updates without going to a phone store or how a phone would overheat due to software or due to malware. So my father decided to learn about technology in school and college, he had graduated college with a Masters's Degree in technology which was good because without it he wouldn't have had a successful business career.

"Miss Sharp I have more papers for you to look over and sign", My Fathers assistant informed me

"Ok, thank you for informing me I will get to it after I'm done with this other paperwork", I say tiredly

"Do you need anything while I'm still here or are you ok?"

"Can you please go get me Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks and feel free to get yourself something as well"

"I'll get on that right away ma'am"

I then proceed to finish up my paperwork, I see that the Apple store requests more updates for the new iPhone that's coming out. So we can give you more updates, we already gave you the share screen update so why not more.

I'm so exhausted I should just lay down and take a nap, I lay down my head on the desk and let sleep take over me.

Assistant Pov
I just walked out of Starbucks, I didn't know it was going to be that crowded in there, and if I did I would go to Dunkin Donuts. I get back in my car and head straight to the building, I hope Miss. Sharp doesn't overdue it with all that paperwork she has to go over. At her age, she should be out having fun or mingling with a young boy at a club, but I'm not her parent so I have no say in this matter. I pulled up to the building and got out of my car, I then make my way up the elevator and to the top floor. I get out of the elevator and head straight into the office, when I enter the room I see Miss. Sharp knocked out on the desk. I walk over to her and nudged her shoulder a few times but she didn't wake up, so when that plan didn't work I started to shake her awake and what do you know she awoke.

Y/n Pov
I was suddenly jolted awake by my assistant Caroline, Jesus she scared the fuck out of me.

"Sorry, I had to wake you up somehow"

"No, it's fine don't apologize"

I then reach out my hand signaling my assistant that I require my coffee. When it was handed to me I take a sip of the coffee and savor the taste of the caramel on my tongue and how it slightly burned me. I then proceeded back to my paper I was working on which was about a new shipment of our laptops our coming and they want to know what building to send it to. I'll just tell them to send it to Asante one of my entrusted employees who are in charge of one of the lower businesses that my father can't keep tabs on.

To be honest, I can't stop thinking about what was so important that my father had to leave his job behind for a very important meeting. What are they even talking about in the meeting that needs for my father to take hours long and have me stressed out?. I'm so mentally stressed over this paperwork I think I'm growing grey hairs but you got To do what you Gotta do to achieve your goals, especially your life ones. I take another swig of my coffee and decided to text my father to see what's the hold-up with the meeting.

Hey dad what's the
Hold up with the

Just a few more hours and will be done,
Just be patient, please

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