Part 6

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Senjuro Mui and Nezuko were singing along to a song that (Kyojuro) Rengoku-san put on. Yui and Kanao choose to stay quiet. Actually all three of them sounded pretty good. But to Kanao Nezuko sounded the best. When they all arrived, they got out of the car and Thanked Rengoku-san for driving them. Kyojuro said it was no problem and told to have a good time as he drove away. When they were walking in, Nezuko grabbed Kanao's hand. Nezuko really needed to tell her before did that kind of thing, because Kanao's heart felt like it was about to burst. First they walked through the flower section, it smelled good and the flowers were pretty. Yui just wanted to move on after seeing each flower but Nezuko and Senjuro wouldn't let him. They wanted to stop and admire each one. Mui didn't really care, he liked staring anyways. Kanao was happy to do what made the rest of them happy.

They finally moved on from the flowers and were walking past a meadow. Nezuko seemed to have noticed something and started waving. Kanao looked at the direction Nezuko was looking and saw Mitsuri and Shinobu. They were weaving flower crowns for each other. Nezuko ran over to them, but the others didn't.

"Should we follow her?" Kanao asked.

"Well, I don't want to interrupt their date." Senjuro replied.

"Yeah, and plus I don't know them as well as any of you." Yui followed up.

"Yeah..." Mui said

"Kanao, do you know where the koi pond is?" Senjuro asked Kanao.

Kanao nodded

"Okay I'll take these two there and you get Nezuo and talk a bit with them, if you want." Senjuro said

"Alright." Kanao replied and went over where Nezuko, Mitsuri and Shinobu were.

"Kanao-chan!" Mitsuri and Nezuko said. Mitsuri was wearing a white dress that faded to pink towards the end of the skirt. Around the waist were diamonds that resembled a belt.

"Hi Kanao" Shinobu said. She was wearing a simple knee-length sleeveless purple dress with ribbon tied in a bow around her waist.

"Hello Shinobu-nee" Kanao replied

"Are you having fun so far?" Shinobu asked Kanao.

"Mhm" Kanao said as she nodded.

"I'm happy to see you've come out of your shell." Shinobu replied.

"Yeah, I'm glad you're going out with your friends!" Mitsuri said.

"Thank you..... And, Nezuko-chan, Senjuro, Muichiro, and Yuichiro are waiting by the pond."

"Oh, well it looks like we'll have to get going." Nezuko replied to kanao.

"Okay,but can one sec?" Mitsuri asked.

"Sure...." both Kanao and Nezuko said.

Mitsuri finished what she was making and put it on Nezuko's head. It was a pretty flower crown.

"Aaand here's your's Kanao-Chan!" Mitsuri said as she put Kanao's flower crown on her head.

"... thank you" Kanao said quietly.

"Yeah! Thank you!" Nezuko said louder.

Then they got up.

"Bye!" they both said. Got on their way to join the others at the pond.

~Later when they are all going home~

Since Rengoku-san was busy he couldn't pick them up. So Nezuko, Senjuro, Mui, and Yui were going to get packed up by Nezuko's dad. Kanao could leave earlier with Shinobu, and actually Shinobu was waiting for her at the gate.

"So, uh bye everyone." Kanao said timidly. Everyone said bye back, some more louder and/or more enthusiastic than others.

Suddenly a thought came to Kanao's mind: what if she gave Nezuko a kiss? Just a peck on the cheek? She wasn't sure why she wanted to do it, but she did. At that moment, Kanao remembered something Tanjiro once told her about following her heart.

Should I go for it? I'm going too....

Before Kanao could fully think about what she was doing she moved closer to Nezuko and pecked her cheek. And then proceeded to heat up like she ate a chili pepper (and had somehow absorbed every bit of it's red color).

"OH UH, I REALLY HAVE TO GET GOING NOW. WOULD WANT TO KEEP SHINOBU-NEE-CHAN WAITING! BYEEE!" Kanao yelled as she practically ran to the gate where Shinobu was waiting.

Nezuko stood there moving even an inch from the spot where she was standing. She was left blushing heavily. She moved hand to the cheek and Kissed her on. For the first time, Nezuko noticed the butterflies fluttering around in her stomach.

Alt. Ending

And yes Senjuro Mui and Yui had watched this every gay, thing, play out. And no, they had no clue what happened just like Kanao and Nezuko.

I finally this chapter! I'm so proud of myself. and the alt ending is the alt ending for just this chapter, and not this whole. There's a lot more to come. You're supposed to the alt that instead of the final sentence in this fic.

Also, I watched the first ep of the entertainment district arc. It so good! Loved Nezuko and Kanao in that ep. 

Also Also, Nezuko diffidently had feelings for Kanao, I would say this is the first time she really realized them

Aaaaand that's end of my very long A/N.


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