Chapter 2-Adopted

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I wake up and hop in the shower washing my hair as well!
*10 mins later*
I hop out the shower and slip into my dog onzie whilst I dry and straighten my hair!
I put on the skirt and top and tuck the top into the skirt!
I bag it out a bit then sit at my desk where my mirror is and start putting my hair in a fishtail plait just the way Niomi's video says!
I then slip the daisies in between my hair!
I look in the mirror then I hear Nikki calling me down saying some people want to meet me!
Greaatt, I'm almost jumping for joy.. ugh I wish!
I walk downstairs and then my heart does a back flip!
Zalfie is standing right in front of my eyes!
Like Zalfie from YouTube!
Like Zoe with nearly 8 million subscribers and Alfie with almost 4 million!
"Beth? Earth to Beth?" Nikki is talking to me!
"Sorry I was um.. Day dreaming!"
My heart is beating so fast it's unbelievable!!
I walk to the bottom of the stairs and Zoe and Alfie hold their hands out!
I shake them both and say;
"H-hi, I'm B-beth!" Ugh I must sound like an idiot!
"Hello Beth I'm-" Zoe's begins,
"Zoe Sugg and that's Alfie Deyes!" I blush and tuck a loose bit of hair behind my ear!
"Oh so your a fan then?" I look up at Alfie and nod shyly!
Wait what if they don't want to adopt a fan? I probably seem like a maniac! What happens if they...
Ugh Beth stop panicking just act natural! *internally slaps self*
"Um, Beth would you like to go on a day out with Zoe and Alfie?" Nikki asks me!
"Yes of course!!!" I say getting really excited!
"Okay go get your stuff then!" Nikki requests!
I salute her and start marching upstairs making Zoe and Alfie laugh!
*Zoe's POV*
I think we found the perfect girl!
Her names Beth and she's absolutely stunning!
Today she is wearing a skater skirt, a tank top which says: Nothing To Wear, some blue vans and she has her hair styled in a fishtail plait with daisies in it! Oh she's defiantly a tumblr girl!
She's 14 which means she can sometimes look after herself!
And she watches our videos which means she knows what kind of life we have!
The kind lady Nikki who runs the adoption centre tells her to go upstairs and grab some stuff for the day out!
She salutes and marched upstairs which makes me and Alfie laugh!
Nikki turns to face us,
"Her past isn't as bad as some of the other children's but she lost her parents only 2 weeks ago so if she is a bit skittish around Alfie at first its's because her Dad caused the car crash!
Alfie & I both nod but I see a glint sadness in his eyes.
She begins to talk again; "I'm so glad you two are here! She never stops going on about these youtubers and how she NEEDS your books!" She starts laughing!
Beth comes down stairs with her rucksack and Alfie starts smiling and I suddenly see why,
"You Penney board?" He asks her getting all excited!
"Oh um yes I do!" She replies smiling, awh.
"Maybe we could go skating together then, so do I!" Alfie tells her!
She nods and then Alfie suggests we get going!
She hugs Nikki goodbye then follows us out into the car!
We are going to mine and Alfie's to drop her stuff off!
The thing she doesn't know is Alfie and me have been talking to Nikki for ages about adopting her!
And tonight we are going to ask her if she wants us too!
We have already decorated her room!
We made it all tumblr like because Nikki told us she is addicted to the tumblr style!
I smile, I can see it from her outfit!
We get in the car and I just watch her in the wing mirror as I'm driving home!
She doesn't stop smiling!
And neither do I!

Adopted By ZalfieWhere stories live. Discover now