Chapter 6-School

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I wake up at 11:50am and turn on my phone and smile as I see my lock screen!
It's a photo of Tyler and Me pulling funny faces!
I decide to post the one where we are both smiling on Twitter!

Bethdeyes: Finally got to meet the fabulous @TylerOakley last night!
He is literally Queen👑

I soon got a reply from him!

TylerOakley: @Bethdeyes what can I say? I am fab! Tell Zalfie I'll pop in before I head off back to L.A!

I can't be bothered to go downstairs so I FaceTime Alfie from upstairs!
(A=Alfie! B=Beth! Z=Zoe!)
A-Morning Even Littler One!
Z- *shouts* Morning Beth!
B- Morning Zoe, Morning Alfie!
Z-Beth pop some clothes on then come down! I'm making pancakes!

I end the call and pop on my black leggings, black vans and a white loose floaty top!

I head downstairs and sit at the table where pancakes are already on my plate!
Then Zoe & Alfie sit down at the table!

"Beth, we wanted to ask about school!" Alfie says!
"Their is a school just around the corner which you can go to!
It's a mixed school and you don't have to wear uniform!" Zoe explains.
"Yea okay! When do I start?" I ask.
"Tomorrow!" They tell me!
I don't really mind school! It's alright but it is super boring!
"Oh Zoe by the way Tyler said he would pop in before he goes to the airport!" I tell her!
"Okay, I get to see my Tye Tye before he goes!" Mum laughs!
"Hey hands of the Tyler ladies!
We all know Mr Oakley is mine!" Alfie says which makes us laugh!
"Speak of the devil!" I say as my phone starts to ring!
It says: My Fab American is trying to facetime you!
Lol, he called himself that😂
I answer it and wait for his face to pop up!
(B=Beth, T=Tyler, A=Alfie,Z=Zoe!)
B= Hello My Fab American!
T= Hiii!
B=Whats up?
T=I can't pop in anymore!
A&Z= Whaatt whyyy?
T=Flight time changed and it's in an hour!
B=Awh okay!
T= I'm sorry Beth!
B=Its okay!
T=Bye Y'all! Cy'all soon!

We wave goodbye then end the FaceTime call!
We spend the rest of the day watching movies/Netflix then we order Nandos for tea then I go to bed because I have to get up early for school tomorrow!

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