||~A painful protection~||

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Then I saw how pinkie and isabelle died ... they all fell silent ... and they just retired to their rooms without speaking much, Charlotte left alone, Scarlett left with anri and vaggie and gf with Kat.

There were really very few left, egg of course went to the kitchen to talk with the eggs

Vaggie lay down on her bed covering herself with her sheet completely while in her head she thought about Lois's words "what's the use of going out if no one is waiting for me outside anymore"

vaggie just lay down to sleep

Monokuma theater: ooh it's sad when everything is over and everyone wants to escape, but something really difficult is taking care of a small monokuma

Vaggie woke up, got up and got ready to leave her room and left, the place now .. it was .. emptier .. all those doors that used to belong to whom she called friends were gone.
Meanwhile Kat ...

Kat:Ooh !! What is this The girl says as she approaches a strange door that ends at the end of the hall from the rooms This was not here before Kat walked to that door and when she got there she had a cute heart shape on the door and a very cute bow, but this was different from the others, the door had a password pattern for be able to open it, Kat tries to enter some numbers and when the password fails, the door still fails

Kat:Ooh !! What is this The girl says as she approaches a strange door that ends at the end of the hall from the rooms This was not here before Kat walked to that door and when she got there she had a cute heart shape on the door and a very cute b...

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Vaggie got to where Kat quickly and looks at her in front of this doordoor

Vaggie:Kat, what are you doing? What is this door?

Kat:No lose, here it was when I left my room, it looks like it has a password

Vaggie:A password? Wait ... this could be a way out!

Kat:yeii!! An exit!

Vaggie ran to the kitchen returning with a knife where is Kat. Scarlett, anri, gf and Charlotte and egg, seeing the suspicious attitude of vaggie, followed her but also arrived at the door

Egg: what is this?

Vaggie:Let's find out

Vaggie with the knife I fit it into the door lock, which causes a big failure to occur in the door and the lock, causing a big glich Flying out vaggie

Vaggie: shit ...

Gf:Vaggie are you okay !?

Charlotte:It must be ... Charlotte grabs the knife that was left in the lock and the door fell open.

Anri: look! The door has opened! Everyone walks into the new room that looked like it was gliced ​​around in the doorframedoorframe

Everything was dark, Kat turned on the light and what was there was a large room with monitors, a chair in the middle and many papers and computers, cupcakes everywhere and glasses of ramen soups on the floor

Vaggie: I've never seen this, and you guys?

Kat:No ... we had never seen this that I remember

Gf:This looks quite strange, it shows that they did not clean.

Scarlett: Look, here are some poems Scarlett grabbed a poem from the bedroom desk and read it "The things you want can go against you, if you don't know what will come against you "

Anri:What a fucking poem

Scarlett:Yes, it is very bad

Vaggie held some strange folders in her hands Vaggie took in her hands some strange folders with their names of each one "Charlie Magne" "Kat Valentine" "Adrien agreste" "lois wilkerson" and so the folders continued

Vaggie: WTF ...

Scarlett: this must be from the person who locked us up here,

Anri:Does that mean that the person or thing investigated us?

Vaggie opened Charlie Magne's folder ... finding her beloved Charlie ... smiling ... hugging her in front of her hotel ... how beautiful is frequent


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